We all could use a bit more spiritual depth in our lives. It just makes life richer and more interesting to integrate the spiritual aspect of our existence. One of the most intriguing spiritual topics that has transformed my world has been the exploration of what God is…
I’ll start by saying that once we know the Truth about what God is, all frustration, bitterness, depression, apathy, struggle, and suffering will quickly come to an end. You discover the Source of peace because you have touched the greatest truth there is.
The Truth shall set you free because lies are what imprison us. This is why it’s soooo important to do your inner research and discover what God is directly for yourself. Meditate on God if you wish to feel an immense amount of joy and freedom today.
Let me start by saying that the Truth about what God is, is far beyond anything I can write down. So whatever language I use to describe God will always fall short. Words are limited time-bound expressions and cannot fully describe the Divine Infinity. Yet, here’s my attempt to share what I’ve learned…
God is the ultimate spiritual intelligence and power that we cannot see behind the physical Universe. It is the force of the purest Love, which behaves like a spiritual super glue, holding every atom in a perfect place, connecting every being across all time and space.
God is the purest form of consciousness connecting all dimensions and physical forms. This pervasive intelligence is extremely vast and all-encompassing. It’s beyond anything we can imagine or understand with our brains. It is the fabric of space and time, matter and energy, forces and fields, matter and dark matter, consciousness and unconsciousness, and all Akashic information throughout time. There is simply no place or time that the God Source is not.
Note: It’s good to be aware that I’m referring to God as an ‘it’ for semantic reasons, and this can create implications of limitation and illusion. To be more precise, God is more of an ‘Eternal Isness’ which is not limited by time or space.
This Infinite Isness is always there, and will always be there. The Isness was there before you were born, the moment you were born, and will be there after you leave your physical body. The Isness is all-pervading, behind every single thought and thing in the Universe that you could possibly imagine in between.
“When God is not there, all of life is ordinary. If God exists, then everything is extraordinary.” ~Osho
The God Source is the purest form of consciousness. This infinite source is always awake and aware, always here now, and there’s never a moment when consciousness is not listening. It’s difficult to pinpoint who is the listener with the mind because the mind subjectifies everything into duality. Only when the mind is quiet and still like a lake without any ripples can we get a taste of the truth.
God is existence, and everything behind existence. This means God cannot have an opposite force because there is nothing you can compare it with or go against it. Once something has an opposite, it falls into the world of duality.
Everything in duality is transient, and this means that it will always come and go. God doesn’t come or go. God is all that is, the ultimate creative eternal Source of consciousness. Within this understanding, God cannot have an opposite.
Whenever I hear ‘religious’ people talking about God, they typically refer to God as Pure Light or something perfectly good. They tend to regurgitate past teachings about God, implying that the opposite force to God is 'darkness or evil.' This implication creates the fabric of duality and simply cannot be based on the highest Truth. It does not point to the Eternal Isness of the God Source and instead creates a mental battle of good vs evil.
This God/Devil Good/Evil concept has left millions of people confused about what God is. It mixes God into the realm of duality, taking away God’s omnipotence, and thus must be based on a lie. Even if you should say that ignorance or demonic forces are the opposite forces to Divine Holy Intelligence, this is still perceiving God through the mind and living in a dualistic fabrication of reality.
God can only be understood when there is no mind present. No higher or lower, no right or wrong, only pure presence. The infinity of consciousness in all directions and dimensions. At the highest level of truth, we can see how there is nothing outside of God’s all-pervasive field of influence, energy, and connection.
The Isness of God reaches beyond the dualistic mind, yet must allow for a game of duality to exist so that our soul can step out of the bliss of Heaven to have experiences, learn, grow, and spiritually evolve.
The only trouble is when we people fool-heartedly believe that all of Reality is just this 3D world enclosed in a container of good/evil. The 3D world does not include the spiritual dimension, so it cannot be the full truth. It’s one bandwidth of information in the Universe yet an essential stepping stone on the way to Self-Realization.
The greatest fault of humankind is this ignorance and amnesia about what God is. When people believe they are separated from God, they start manifesting complications, struggles, and intense suffering in their lives. The ego feels limited and disconnected from its Spiritual Source. This suffering makes you forget that you are a spiritual being who cannot die.
When your ego feels this urgency to fight for its survival, defend its point of view, prove others to be wrong, and protect itself and its possessions, it is fully immersed in the great lie about what God is. This is the eternal growing point for all humanity. We all came here to experience limitation, which includes the impact of this ignorance about what God is.
Your life is not designed to be a struggle from the cradle to the grave. You are a super powerful manifesting being who is always connected to God. When we know that we are deeply intimately connected with this one Source of higher consciousness, life flows like an easy river.
Whenever we believe we are disconnected from God, we begin living a lie and the feedback from the Universe will be instant and clear. We all have to go through living this lie so that we can fully integrate the deepest Truth.
Anytime you are living a lie in life, your body will tell you. You won’t feel at peace inside yourself, and your mind/ego will be on this constant search for something. It will think there is something we are missing outside in the world that will make us feel better.
We feel a burning desire for more money, the right mate, a better home, better friends, better food, health, entertainment, the list goes on and on. This eternal searching of the ego is part of the game, and how we know we are not deeply aligned with the highest spiritual Truth.
Nothing is more intimate than your relationship with God. It is something more personal than can be shared or explained. It's the ultimate source of consciousness and also beyond it, as it is creating it all. It is without limitations, free from imperfections, and it is closer to you than your next thought, heartbeat, or breath of air.
Ultimately, there’s nothing in the Universe that can destroy God, challenge God, or go against such an absolute, all-creative unifying power. Whatever your mind thinks could be the opposite of God is merely a fabrication of the mind—a great story about reality, always based on the world of good/bad duality. Once we see beyond duality, we wake up to the most beautiful Reality.
It just doesn’t make sense for there to be an opposite to God. Imagine if there was an opposite force to this incredible, perfect power. This would then take away from God’s perfect power, and that wouldn’t make God all pervasive and perfect, right? It would make God limited and imperfect.
If you only live in this dualistic world of right/wrong and good/evil, you feel disconnected from God because you’re ignoring the truth that the Universe is infinite in all directions and dimensions. See how the God Source is always connecting you with infinity, and you tap into the spiritual truth of your existence and start moving from 3D into 4D and 5D.
“If you believe in God, then work with Him. If you do not, then become one.” ~ Nisargadatta
So maybe you’re a super logical thinker and need to take a purely rational route in this inquiry. Try and see how there is nobody in the entire Universe that is 100% pure evil or 100% pure good. Sure, there might be beings that reach 99.99%, but they cannot remain only at 100% forever. You’ll see there’s always a little white within the dark and a little darkness within the light.
God is the Universe, which is a perfect balance of energies. We can always find something positive or negative in any situation if we zoom out far enough into a larger perspective of existence. There is always going to be the possibility that something 'out there' is more ‘pure’ or more ‘evil’ in an infinite spectrum of comparison.
Everything in duality must exist somewhere along this dualistic spectrum. This can all be confusing for the mind because the mind is simply too small a container to hold the infinite truth of Reality which is beyond duality yet includes it.
Once we accept that God is beyond the grasp of the mind, yet always behind every thought in the mind, then we can truly surrender to the Truth. We discover something deeper inside ourselves that knows God directly. By retraining our brains to let go of control and trust the Universe, we discover the immense enlightening freedom of walking our spiritual path.
We realize that it’s much more important to feel happy and free, than being right and living in suffering. Each day becomes an adventure in choosing freedom over our ego. We begin knowing that the opposite of being right, is this liberating experience of abiding in the eternal source of consciousness. With this understanding, the experience of God’s loving presence naturally finds its way into our hearts, minds, and lives.
I can help you to find your spiritual inner guide. The one who shows you exactly what steps you need to take in your relationships, future, finances, career, health, and spiritual path. If you want to meet with me over the phone Click Here to Order a Personal Session.
Excellent! I agree there are no words to truly express this truth and for those who are wed to their 3D ways no way to explain for understanding. No right no wrong, no good no bad, all simply is. I’ve observed intense responses to this truth bordering on the psychotic, due to a need for evil to exist and God to be good. Funnier still is to have that person question whether I even believe in God. 😂 How do you explain to them that we are God. We are one with all that is. There is no separation. Until a Being is ready to surrender their individuality/identity the truth remains hidden.
In today’s world of rapid change toward a 4D 5D reality modeling a life lacking dualities predicated upon Love, can cause some to actually view us as evil! But, more and more eyes are opening and in my heart I know all is well and exactly how it must be in order for change to occur. Which brings us to knowing. Knowing without words. The gift above all gifts. 💜✨