The Secrets to Mastering your Inner Dialog
A Simple Guide to Life's Innermost Intimate Conversation
“Listen to all, plucking a feather from every passing goose, but follow no one absolutely." ~ Chinese proverb
When you look inside yourself, do you notice the constant dialog that’s happening? There’s a voice speaking (thinking) in your head all the time that has all kinds of wants, needs, beliefs, opinions, and desires. Then, there’s another part who is always listening to this voice, consciously or unconsciously. The listener is thoroughly receiving whatever information the voice says, thinks, and believes.
The mind is a very interesting phenomenon that we can understand more deeply with just a little investigation. Let’s try this self-talk inner dialog experiment. I invite you to try this out right now. Say your name inside your head. Don’t speak your name out loud with your mouth, but just use your inner voice and speak it from inside. Did you do it? Did you hear your name? If so, how are you hearing your name if nothing was spoken verbally out loud? You didn’t use your physical ears to hear, so exactly what was it that heard your name?
There is always a listener and a voice speaking inside you. These two aspects of your inner world are in constant conversation, inventing this creative inner dialog that becomes what you know to be yourself and your life. However, this dialog never ends. Any time of the night or day it doesn’t matter, your inner dialog is always conversing about something, creating every dimension of your inner world which forms what you manifest into your outer world.
In one moment your inner dialog could be some random thoughts about dinner tonight, and the next moment it’s diving into some super deep conversation with God. There are no limits to what your inner voice can experience and explore. The only limit is the level of your imagination.
"Be mindful of your self-talk. It's a conversation with the Universe." ~ David James Lees
It might be easy for you to believe that this voice in your head is the real you. You are your inner voice, right? Well, upon deeper investigation I found that there are many different voices with many thoughts and opinions, and they don’t always align and agree with each other. If all of these conflicting voices are the real me then it’s going to feel quite challenging to do anything in life.
The inner discussions within our mind can get very complicated, busy, and intense. On some super stressful days, your inner mind may sound like you’re in the middle of a crowd of many highly opinionated vocal people. This is where most people become frustrated and feel lost in their lives. They have simply forgotten about paying attention to the silent one who’s listening to it all. They simply need to remember that their silent inner witness is always available to retreat into, on the inside…
All your ideas about who you are, are more like signposts pointing us in the direction towards who you are. I don’t believe that all these thoughts inside your head are who you really are. It feels as if they are more like a grand symphony of musical impressions cascading through you.
Whoever is the listener behind these voices is the real you. The eternal watcher and listener who is free from all thoughts, beliefs, desires, and opinions is who you really are. You’re the eternal witness who is sitting quietly in the audience allowing each song to play through. This is the most liberating and empowering vantage point to experience life.
When you sit back from your mind chatter and really listen to everything going on, what do you notice? What’s the general theme song of your inner dialog today? What’s your story about today and how is it different in any way from yesterday? Just notice your mind’s complaints, fears, desires, and excuses. Notice how your mind is always trying to help you navigate through life better, and it also serves as pure entertainment for you. The more often you get sucked into this perpetual entertainment, the less mastery you have over it.
Mastering your inner dialogue is not about finding that super-confident, strong voice that overpowers all the weaker ones. When you master your inner world, you have become one with the silent witness who is at peace with it all. There's nothing that can disturb you because you have stopped avoiding negative thoughts and getting attached to positive thoughts that pass through the mind. You realize no matter what happens in life you remain untouched by both positive and negative sides.
To master your inner dialogue, realize every thought is temporary. See each wave of thoughts like a set of musical chords playing out a beautiful song. Mind mastery occurs when you've surrendered your ego fully to the silent space which is the eternally quiet background on which all the notes are played. The eternally silent witness is enjoying the play, dancing to the music, and unscathed by it all.
Here are a few awakening questions for you to ponder today…
These questions are simply to point the mind inward so that you are even more aware of the dialog happening within you.
What do notice the most about your mind and how it speaks to you?
Do you feel your inner voice is usually judging you or guiding you?
Is your mind generally kind to you…or is it typically critical?
What’s the story your mind’s telling you about your life?
What does your mind believe about who you are, who your friends and family are, and what your future is going to be like?
"You are the storyteller of your own life, and you can create your own legend or not." ~ Isabel Allende
I think it’s important to note that this circus of thoughts and voices inside our heads is not coincidental. Every seemingly meaningless dialog happening inside us contains some valuable lesson. The Universe never makes mistakes. There can be no coincidences in an intelligent conscious field of infinite energy. We can always learn something about ourselves, from deep within our minds in every single living breathing moment.
The grand Universal orchestra is flowing through you and your thoughts. God cannot abandon anyone. We are always connected, yet perhaps too occupied with the stories in our minds to feel this divine connection. In your deepest stillness, you can tap into your highest truth that lives beyond all of these voices. When you really listen to the silence within, you can slow down enough to have a real enlightening conversation with your higher Self. You can ask yourself any question that can be answered by a higher intelligence.
I feel this higher truth is closer to the root of who and what we truly are. It takes a very deep level of inner silence to tune into this profound clarity, yet eventually, you can see the journey of your soul and all its lifetimes of karma and scripts that are still playing through you.
When we can listen to our thoughts as if they were musical notes made perfectly by our divine instrument, we can relax into its unique song that’s just playing along with the Universal orchestra. When you step back from the music and into the most penetrating silence you’ve ever experienced, you access a much bigger perspective that can see, feel, and hear the whole harmonic symphony.
You see your karma is playing itself out through your thoughts. The karmic pattern is defining who you are, what you want, and what you believe is true and not true. Your karma gives your life direction all while your higher Self is helping you to become free from it. They work together, you wouldn’t know freedom until you have experienced imprisonment.
I think the best way to begin mastering the mind is to start from a place of joyful curiosity. Be like an excited little child entering a gigantic ice cream shop for the very first time. You are open to soooo many different types of flavors colors and sizes to choose from. You know that every scoop is unique and worth tasting. In the sacred ice cream shop, there’s no such thing as picking the “wrong” flavor.
Mind mastery has this innocent childlike attitude, yet it also comes with the wisdom of discretion. It knows which ice creams are old, spoiled, and no longer worth trying a second time. Sure life is going to sometimes gift you a distasteful experience, yet it’s simply so that you can appreciate the flavors you do appreciate.
We master our inner world when we know that every life experience comes with lessons and meaning. Life throws these thoughts, feelings, and experiences at us, and we have the choice to fully allow ourselves to welcome each flavor or reject it and push it away. In the end, you’ll want to have tasted it all anyway, so there’s no such thing as picking the right or wrong flavor. When you’re choosing whatever experience you’re having now, you open yourself to being the authority of that experience.
"Experience life in all possible ways. Good-bad, bitter-sweet, dark-light, summer-winter. Experience all the dualities. Don't be afraid of experience, because the more experience you have, the more mature you become." ~Osho
Once you can let go of any resistance to being the authority, you can relax and realize you were always the one in charge of the inner dialog. This power contains a freedom that allows you to feel connected to that voice behind it all. The one who is making all those small choices every day and also those gigantic decisions that shape your life and create who you become. Our inner authority is the voice that’s like the writer of the script inventing the type of life we want to manifest.
What happens when you make time to sit still, get really quiet inside, relax, and listen? What do you notice happens when you quiet your inner dialog and fall into complete silence and stillness without you falling asleep? Sit up and stay alert. Be completely conscious, quiet, and listening to the silence.
Choose to pay attention to the listener. Pay attention to who is listening. Then notice that there are no more loud inner voices that you’re hearing. You are listening to life directly without manipulation. Your mind is at ease, relaxed, and calm and you’re fully experiencing this living breathing moment of life.
“A calm mind is the ultimate weapon against your challenges. So relax." ~ Bryant McGill
In my life, I’ve found that the greatest voice in my head is the one that instantly brings inner peace. This is the calm quiet super sensitive voice, that allows you to relax more deeply than you can imagine, and offers you a more powerful presence in your life.
I find the most important voice is the one that always brings more peace. When you pay attention to your thoughts, notice if these thoughts in any way lift up your vibration, increase your level of happiness, expand your love life, improve your health, or make you feel free inside.
If these voices/thoughts don’t do any of these helpful things for you, then why do you keep giving them your precious attention? Can you hear who and where it is coming from? Does it sound like the voice of your mom, dad, sibling, friend, teacher, etc… Try to step back a few meters and listen from a distance just to know whose voice/thoughts they originated from.
See if you can connect with the person from your past who is behind some of these voices. Notice how this voice was inherited and is not even your real voice. Feel the truth in this and release them back to their original owner. Pay attention to those voices that say you’re amazing, powerful, and lovable. Focus on how good you feel when you think 100 positive thoughts in a row about yourself. Did you have anything else you’d like to communicate to yourself today?
"Silence isn't empty, it's full of answers." ~ Unknown
My invitational homework assignment for you this week is this. This is the final step to bringing the voices in your head to complete silence and happy stillness. If you want to master your thoughts, practice getting super quiet and listening more. When others talk, just practice listening.
Don’t interject or add anything until they are completely empty of all talking. Give them as much time and your full attention as you can. Yet, pay even closer attention to the listener inside you. Don’t try to make such an outward effort to follow every single word and thought they are saying. Make it an exercise of diving deeper into your listening skills.
Explore how life changes when you only receive information and do not make any additional commentary. Remember all of these ideas about who you are, and who you’re not, are temporary and can be considered to be illusions. They are mere reflections of the great mirror of your mind. They were created to help you wake up and eventually turn your attention deeper inside to find this ultimate divine truth within. The infinite Universe on the outer world is there to remind you that there exists an infinite Universe within.
We fully master our mind in all of our lifetimes when we’re the master of our awareness. Only by continuously turning the focus back to the Source of awareness, can we consciously co-create the inner dialog that we most wish to hear. When we are the master of our inner world, the center still point of the mind, we can then focus our inner dialog only on what we want, and not let the mind wander into disempowering thoughts of what we don’t want.
We can change the direction of our thoughts not by trying to create a blustery wind, but simply by adjusting our sails. Our lives can shift direction and we quickly rediscover how easy and fun it is to focus our energy on the divinely powerful being we truly are.
This power inside you is unstoppable, unshakable, and truly the guiding light for manifesting any future you desire. I invite you now to start thinking about the life you want. Imagine it happening to you now. Listen to how your heart feels when you imagine the life you want. What does your heart have to say about this?
When you listen closer, notice what you discover. If you remain in pure curiosity, you’ll see there is something absolutely beautiful inside your heart. It’s like a warm sun radiating light onto everyone it comes in contact with. It’s purely silent and radically quiet at the core.
Your heart is the master of all the apparent masters in the mind. It holds the secrets to your deepest wisdom and unlimited potentiality. Abide in this heart space and be free from the chattering mind. Yes, you can set your entire inner dialog aside for this freedom! In your deepest silence and stillness, you will find out the highest truth of who and what you truly are.
"Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!" ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
When you feel ready to take your life to a higher level of energy, vibration, and consciousness, check out my Online Estore and Kundalini Awakening Program to fully ignite the manifesting powers within you!!!
Much Love,