The Essential Secrets to Attracting Your Soul Mate
A transformative journey to attracting love and nurturing deep intimate relationships in your life...
“People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that’s what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life.” ~ Elizabeth Gilbert
Have you been longing to connect with that special someone in a deep, personal, and loving way? Do you want to feel your heart spilling over with joy because you are in love again? Sometimes we can get wrapped up in our busy lives and forget how amazing it is to be in love and connect with someone on a very deep intimate and spiritual level.
We may spend our time wishing we had an amazing love in our lives, instead of taking action to attract and manifest the love we deserve. If you’ve found your life doesn’t have all the love you want in it, and have almost forgotten what it is like to be madly, deeply in love, it may be time to turn your heart upside down and take a big risk to get the most out of your life.
The first secret to attracting a soul mate into your life is to fully embrace, love, and accept yourself just as you are. Loving you, with all of your flaws, frailties and insecurities makes you extremely attractive to others and also turns you into a powerful manifesting magnet. By diving deep into self-acceptance you’ll find it’s much easier to be at peace when you’re alone, and for everyone else to feel at peace when they’re hanging out with you.
When you’re truly okay with all your unlovable parts, it’s easy to open the door to intimacy with anyone. It doesn’t even matter if it’s a romantic relationship or just a casual acquaintance, you’ll find you are so relaxed within yourself, that you are naturally connecting on deeper levels with everybody.
Imagine the first thing you do each morning is bathe in a pool of self-love. Instead of first checking your phone or going for a cup of coffee, take that time to practice accepting, appreciating, and approving all the parts you’ve disliked and judged about yourself.
Feel whatever unpleasant emotions may arise, yet don’t get out of bed until you’ve made peace with all of your unhappy parts! You can even make a list of what you’ve judged about yourself in the past, and practice letting those parts go.
“The degree to which you love yourself will determine your ability to love the other person, who will be reflecting back to you many of your own personality traits and qualities.” ~ Sanya Roman
Next, imagine there is a “love valve” in the middle of your chest, connected to your heart and it slowly opens up giving a warm sweet love to all those parts. Breathe in this love, opening your heart to accepting every little thing about you with each inhalation. Remain in a continuous state of acceptance of everything you find inside you, for as long as you possibly can.
Don’t lose touch with this self-loving practice for your entire day! How much you’re able to love your mate is proportionate to how much you can unconditionally love yourself. You’ll see that it’s much easier to meet and manifest a juicy soul mate when you become deeply juicy with yourself!
The next essential piece for increasing your magnetic ‘love vibe’ is to practice having more eye contact with people. Whether it’s a casual glance during a superficial conversation or a long soft welcoming into your heart, when you are brave enough to let down your guard in the eye contact department, major magic will manifest!
This week, I invite you to test your skills. See if you can allow yourself to remain in a long deep soulful gaze with someone, anyone…just allow them to look into your eyes and feel your soul. It doesn’t matter if they look away or not, drop into the experience of allowing yourself to be open and vulnerable with another human being.
Soul gazing with everyone in your community is where the juiciest life on earth begins! The trick here is finding out where and how you are protecting yourself, and finding a way to set down your armor. Each time you do this you’re saying to the Universe “I trust you and know you’ll take care of me” and you will be rewarded for your courage. Long deep “soul gazing” into the eyes of another being is one of the most powerful and courageous acts a human can do and will lift your vibration and transform your life!
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." ~ Ambrose Redmoon
To enhance your love magnetism even further, try getting in touch with that spiritual warrior inside you. There is a wild untamed and ravenously free part of you that is waiting to be discovered. If you want to find this part, start sharing those parts of you that cannot be shared. Whatever you have a hard time talking about is exactly what you need to be diving into discussion about today. When you open up and share that which cannot be shared with someone, all the old shields from your past fall away.
This life is a very short and wild ride, so you might as well enjoy it! When you talk about what you can’t talk about, you remove your social armor and toss all your inhibitions out the window! We all deserve to feel the freedom and joy of what it’s like to let our guard down fully so we can truly let in love. There is no other way than true vulnerability to find this divine intimate connection. It is the gateway to knowing what it’s like to be fully alive.
All of these different techniques for opening your heart and taking down your emotional walls are the energetic foundation for your soul mate to find their way into your life. If we are perpetually hiding in the closet, how will they ever be able to find us? And why would they want to hang out with you hiding in your dusty ole closet when they could be outside walking through nature enjoying the glorious sunshine?
True intimacy means you are not hiding anything anymore. You are an open book, allowing anyone to read, poke, and probe into you. You are saying YES to being seen, in all your muck and all your glory. It may be terrifying to be super open and real with people, yet you’ll find that this deeper connection is quite healing.
The moment you let your guard down with someone, you give them permission to do the same. When you are open, honest, and authentic in your communication, others will feel this natural inclination to do the same. The secret to this practice is having no fear about the future or any outcome that may result.
"Creating intimacy is like cultivating a garden; it requires patience, care, and a willingness to dig deep." ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
If you’re too afraid to share something that’d make you feel vulnerable, simply share yourself freely and fully. Use your intuition to guide you in this sharing process, just make it a test in learning how to listen to its voice. This deeper trust in yourself will allow you to take back the reigns on your heart and ride down the trails of a new adventurous love life!
It’s important to love others so freely and fully that you can abandon all wounds, judgments, and fears. Imagine what it is like to love someone as if you’ve never been hurt before. This is what real love is about and is exactly what’s required to attract many soul mates into your path.
Of course, it can be challenging to break away from old patterns of protecting, hiding, and avoiding the opportunity for more intimacy. The secret to your freedom is to be real with yourself and look deeply within. Be responsible for what you find and make ample time to sit with any fear-based walls of protection you have until they are dissolved.
The moment you can see where the source of your fear is coming from, then you can transcend it. You simply stop paying attention to it and give your energy to something that opens your heart instead. Soon, it will become very easy to let things go when you realize how they are blocking you from feeling the amazing feeling of being fully alive and deeply in love.
“Intimacy means that there is no privacy. You don’t carry anything private now, at least with the person you are intimate with, you drop your privacy. You are nude and naked–good, bad, whatsoever you are, you open your heart. And whatever the cost you pay for it; whatever the trouble you go through with it. That brings growth.” ~ Osho
The final step towards manifesting your soul mate is meeting with their soul in your inner world. I’ve created a powerful manifesting meditation where you can do this and it will attract your soul mate to you in the physical flesh! I have had incredible success in my own life using this meditation, and so I know it works miracles!
If you’re a paid subscriber on my Enlightened Beings list, you can access my guided soul mate manifesting meditation for FREE below. If you’re not a paid subscriber and would like access to this manifestation process you can instantly download my Guided Meditation to Meeting Your Soul Mate on MP3 Audio! Or you can simply join my paid list and see the pricing options by Clicking Here! (PS. It’s much cheaper to join the list than to buy the meditation… 😃 )
This meditation also has the technology to transform any current relationship you’re in to thrive in a higher state of love and consciousness together. Just listening to this meditation a few times you can attract the most enlightened loving relationship into your life! It’s truly amazing what can happen when you use this powerful manifesting technology to enhance your life! Enjoy!
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