The Enlightened Universe 💫
A Inspirational Guide for Manifesting a World of Higher Consciousness
"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new." — Dan Millman, The Way of the Peaceful Warrior
What is an Enlightened Universe?
Before we dive deep into this incredibly enlightening inquiry so that we can feel it pulsating throughout our bodies, we must first glance briefly at what an Enlightened Universe is not. Understanding the shadow aspect of the world helps to illuminate the Light, and after grasping these dark opposite forces we will naturally see a higher clarity to the truth.
In an unenlightened universe we find limitations reign, life feels constricted, weighed down by beliefs in scarcity, struggle, and separation. It is a realm where suffering appears on every media channel, and feelings of grief and powerlessness seem to be the endless norm. The collective mind drifts in clouds of fear and doubt, and almost everyone you meet feels cut off from the infinite wellspring of their spiritual joy and endless manifesting power.
In this dystopian nightmare, we have authoritative greedy minds behind the cyber curtain controlling everything we see as true, real, or what’s happening in the world. People are coerced to work harder and have more stress to make more money to pay higher energy bills, and the massively increased rent to survive. It’s encouraged to borrow large sums of money to go into debt so that you feel like a financial prisoner to the system and must continuously work harder to pay off your bills.
The media keeps us hooked on our screens, and addicted to unenlightening information and entertainment. All public news and social media channels are highly controlled and filtered to keep us living in fear and dumb down our spiritual frequency. Any information that might empower people to believe we live in a magical world is ignored, as it would pose a threat to their information control.
“The more a thing tends to seem permanent, the more it tends to be lifeless.” – Alan Watts
Almost every child is born under fluorescent lights in an overly sanitized hospital, disconnected from nature, and forced out into the world according to the doctor’s schedule through a C-section. Then, the child is branded with a tax ID number, indoctrinated into a militant school system, and conditioned for roles that don’t nourish their soul or empower them. The government is fully in control of all education, and any form of rebellious behavior is heavily punished to create social conformity.
The government powers have infiltrated our grocery stores with GMO artificial, synthetic, lab-engineered processed fake foods, which make us weaker, and prone to illness and disease so we become dependent on paying them billions in pharmaceuticals each year. The energy department will only allow the promotion of their trillion-dollar toxic-fueled technologies, and the thousand+ free-energy patents are hidden and completely suppressed from the public eye.
In this dark, painful dismal world, our dissatisfaction in life grows and we reach out to alcohol, drugs, media, or porn to create some sense of relief. Sacred sexuality and tantra are forbidden to be taught in mainstream educational systems, leaving every teenager to feel lost in their initiation into adulthood, and feeling ashamed to request access to this powerful knowledge. We are told sexual pleasure is dirty, and something you should hide.
For many, the concepts of unconditional love, and healthy interdependent relationships remain a distant uncharted mystery. There is little or no guidance on how to cultivate these deep, transformative healing connections. Deep peace, meditation, and rest are avoided, and inner peace remains generally absent from the public eye.
Because most people were never taught the transformative practices of tantra, they haven’t experienced the deep sense of security and fulfillment it brings. As a result, they often seek satisfaction externally, chasing after sex, money, drugs, and material gains, hoping these will fill the void within.
Are you done living in such an unenlightened world? I certainly am! Yet, the whole purpose of this dark apocalyptic scenario is that it awakens us to stop buying into this gruesome plot and start envisioning and manifesting an enlightened new world!
"When you align your thoughts with your higher self, the universe conspires to help you." — Rhonda Byrne
We all know deep down that humanity contains a very beautiful spiritual core beneath the surface of this dismal scenario. Inside each of us is a spark of enlightened awareness that knows we are all expressions of a Divine Source who is here to celebrate life together as an unlimited supportive community filled with abundance and love!
This spark of conscious loving awareness recognizes that life is not meant to be lived in this horrific way. When this inner light is respected, it is turned on and remains on. Then, we stop behaving like a slave to the system and complying with the sheep mentality. We individually choose to create a vastly different reality than this highly corrupted scene, and consciously rebel to create a life that is exactly the opposite of this hopeless one.
And it is where we awaken and step into The Enlightened Universe…
"True power lies in the ability to imagine and feel as if your desire is already realized, knowing that consciousness is the only reality." ~Neville Goddard
What Is The Enlightened Universe?
The Enlightened Universe is, in truth, the multiverse already surrounding us. It is simply a level of consciousness that hasn’t yet reached all the minds on planet Earth. This enlightened way of thinking has been discreetly omitted from our education system, where students might otherwise learn the truth: the universe is multidimensional, quantumly magical, and boundless in every dimension. Because the universe itself knows no limits, there are no limits on what human beings can manifest in their lives.
This Enlightened Universe is an intelligent entity. It knows us and it speaks to us. It is always guiding us toward a higher life in existence. When we align with its energy, everything transforms. Reality shifts and dreams manifest effortlessly. We feel the universe working in our favor, supporting our journey of growth and awakening.
In the Enlightened Universe, the guiding principles are harmony, connection, and unity. The individual journey becomes one of spiritual flourishing, rather than financial striving and mere survival. This abundant path of understanding reality reveals our true power and responsibility: we are infinite spiritual beings with profound manifestation abilities.
Every being in this Enlightened Universe is aware of their intimate connection to an unlimited source of energy, love, divine intelligence, and universal wisdom at all times. Each of us knows that our purpose is to awaken fully to our spiritual essence, embrace our deeper enlightened nature, and choose a life of peace, lightness, love, and connection.
We feel so abundantly supported that we can generously share our gifts and light, creating a healing community wherever we are. We uplift every person we encounter, naturally focusing on the divine power and infinite potential behind all things. With this as our priority, we tap into immense creative energy, manifesting the world we envision into reality.
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” — Nelson Mandela
In our new Enlightened World, every school offers a curriculum that truly matters, one deeply useful to each child for a lifetime. Each morning, students begin their day with empowering healing practices that focus their minds, helping them reach a state of one-pointed concentration through meditation, anchoring a calm, peaceful, and powerful mindset.
When a child reaches puberty, they learn about conscious sensuality, empowering relationships, sacred sexuality, and energy healing. They are taught the foundations of holistic health, discovering how to sustain a super-healthy mind, body, and soul. Upon graduation, each student knows how to build nurturing, long-lasting relationships, use non-violent communication in challenging situations, and bring their life purpose and mission to fruition.
Every teenager by the age of 16 is taught How to Awaken their Kundalini and allow it to rise and unlock their unlimited manifesting potential. They are shown how to be mindful of their energy, explore connection and intimacy, develop the skills for conscious touch in their relationships, and eventually learn the secrets to Tantric Mastery. They dive deeper into the power of intuition and how to trust their highest divine inner guidance.
Universities emphasize learning the power of meditation and manifestation. They explore ascension and spiritual mastery, inspiring students to discover their unique path to enlightenment and spiritual awakening. Each school day begins with teachers sharing a moment of silent gratitude, creating space for students to reflect on their inner truth. Within just ten years of this educational approach, we envision a future where this planet will never know war again.
"The best way to predict the future is to create it." — Abraham Lincoln
High school courses include sacred geometry, divine architecture, biodynamic permaculture, holistic leadership, and alternative community building, to name a few. Teachers emphasize empowering, healthy communication and meaningful connections among everyone, fostering deep listening and honoring the sacred, precious gift of life. They uphold respect for cultural diversity, ensuring the rights of every person are respected so that everyone feels understood and accepted, regardless of their background.
In this enlightened realm, there is no need for control or conformity. People are guided by a continuous, intimate dialogue with the universe. Each decision feels divinely inspired, as individuals recognize the universe's whispers leading their actions with perfect timing and profound wisdom. Life flows effortlessly, with emotions honored as sacred messengers, revealing where healing and growth await.
Farmers everywhere choose to avoid harmful pesticides and mass production, creating an environmentally conscious society that embraces natural, healing, organic permaculture gardens, which support local wildlife. Humanity wholeheartedly supports organic, eco-friendly solutions that nurture the Earth.
Health is widely understood not simply as the absence of disease but as a vibrant connection to one’s joy, intuition, and spiritual essence. Each day, people wake up eager to practice yoga, meditate, and enjoy nourishing foods that open their minds and uplift their souls.
In this enlightened world, local and organic farming practices are the norm. Rather than managing toxic plastic waste, communities adopt a circular economy, where every material is organic, reused, recycled, or composted. Urban spaces thrive with green, tree-filled landscapes, and people live in homes powered by clean, renewable energy.
When you step into any grocery store, every item is naturally organic, and every restaurant offers only the highest-quality, best-tasting superfoods. Nothing in the world has been touched by pesticides or genetic modification.
“When we let go of the need to control, life becomes a dance of tremendous joy and freedom.” – Unknown
In the Enlightened Universe, diversity is joyously celebrated. People see beyond superficial differences, and inclusivity is the norm. Business leaders recognize the unique perspectives of each team member, fostering collaboration and growth. Employees work in harmony with the rhythms of nature.
In this enlightened world, every culture embodies deep empathy and kindness, honoring the divine within one another and coexisting in global harmony. War becomes unthinkable, as we are conscious, sensitive beings who understand our oneness with all.
Creativity flows freely, empowering people to express themselves without fear or inhibition. Every morning, individuals awaken to the sacred energy of their divine creativity, a force that takes them beyond artificial pleasures and distractions. A musician writes a song that speaks to their heart and touches listeners deeply, uplifting their spirits. The creative expression serves as a path to collective healing and joy, drawing people closer together.
"Suffering is due to our disconnection with the inner soul. Meditation is establishing that connection." – Amit Ray
Meditation and mindfulness practices are seamlessly integrated into daily routines, leading individuals to experience less stress and more joy. Spirituality forms the foundation of every person's life, enriching each living, breathing moment. People no longer view spiritual practice as separate from everyday existence.
Inner peace becomes the bedrock of daily life. The impulse to fight or compete fades away. When disagreements arise, people engage in calm, clear, non-violent conversations, listening deeply to understand each other’s perspectives and finding resolution through compassion and mutual care.
In business meetings, rather than focusing solely on profits, CEOs invite their teams to meditate and pray together, aligning the company’s goals with universal values of fairness and compassion. Governments actively support companies developing and marketing sustainable, 100% green technologies that enhance this liberated, clean world.
Spiritual principles of kindness and integrity guide both personal and collective decisions. New entrepreneurs establish companies with visions to heal the planet, and doors open effortlessly as their missions resonate with like-minded individuals. People live with a sense of limitless potential, empowered to pursue their dreams without fear of failure or rejection, trusting that the universe supports their unique paths.
“Love is the only reality, and it is not a mere sentiment. It is the ultimate truth that lies at the heart of creation.” – Rabindranath Tagore
In the Enlightened Universe, manifestation unfolds naturally and effortlessly, where freedom is the norm, creating space for genuine connection and emotional depth. It is a world where the heart and soul lead, and spirituality is the foundation of all things. People experience unity, recognizing that each tree, animal, and planet pulses with the same divine energy. Every breath holds peace, purpose, and a profound sense of connection. The illusion of separation dissolves. You are not isolated; you are woven into the fabric of all that is.
Imagine someone envisioning a community project to help those in need; within days, resources, volunteers, and partnerships align, bringing the vision into reality. Another soul envisions a product to aid environmental sustainability, and soon it’s embraced worldwide, serving both people and the planet. Desires flow in harmony with the world's needs, and creation becomes an intuitive, graceful process.
Each day you live in this Enlightened New World is filled with joy and infinite possibilities. Love is a tangible, living force that permeates everything, embedded into the very fabric of the manmade world. Caring for and supporting each other becomes the norm, touching all human beings, regardless of class or culture.
"Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion." – Rumi
This great utopia is found within, not in external circumstances. We are naturally guided by our innermost being and intuition to follow our deeper truths. Trusting our inner knowing is part of our society’s natural way of operating. Life feels like a seamless dance of connection, creation, and harmony, where every individual and every living being feels supported, loved, and in tune with the divine.
By setting clear intentions each morning, visualizing your deepest desires, and aligning your actions with these goals, you begin to consciously co-create your life. Watch how the universe responds when you actively participate in shaping your reality. So now, as you begin to sense this universe, notice how your body responds. How would your day feel if this Universe were moving within you?
Feel the Enlightened Universe alive in your heart right now. Let it resonate throughout your being. This is not a distant place but a frequency within you, waiting to be tuned into so that it can manifest on planet Earth. The Enlightened Universe is not separate from you; it is you. And as you explore this journey, remember: the light you seek is the light you already are.
“The divine universe sees only your truth, and in that truth, you are already free.” ~ Paul Selig
Living in this new world requires a shift in how we think. Simplicity is key. We release the fear that once held us back. We let go of control and surrender to the natural flow of life. By incorporating simple practices like morning meditation, breathwork, or journaling, we shift into a space of trust and awareness. This is where the magic unfolds.
In the Enlightened Universe, we are no longer passive. We are creators. We are empowered. Every thought and every intention shapes our experience. We understand that we are not separate from the universe; we are part of it. We are connected to the cosmic intelligence that flows through all things. Presence becomes our greatest gift, and it begins with small steps. Practicing mindfulness during everyday activities like eating, walking, or engaging in conversation allows us to align more deeply with the universal flow.
The universe reveals itself to those who are present. When our minds are still, we can hear its guidance. In silence, we receive answers. Synchronicities become undeniable, and the path is clear. Take moments of stillness throughout your day to tune into this wisdom. Whether in meditation or brief pauses between tasks, presence opens the doorway to divine insight.
The Enlightened Universe calls us to step into this new reality, to live as the creators we were born to be. We no longer walk this path alone. By joining spiritual communities or creating circles with others on this awakening journey, we amplify our transformation and build a collective energy that uplifts the world around us.
This is the new world. It is here, available now. It is not a distant dream. It exists in every moment we choose to live with awareness, love, and purpose. Hold tightly to your most heart-opening vision of what an Enlightened Universe means to you, and welcome it into your new future.
“We are the ones we have been waiting for.” – Alice Walker
“ Jafree is truly an enlightened being and a master coach! The many discoveries I have made since working with him (even after 30 years in the New Age movement) have been remarkable! It is an awesome experience! Thank you Jafree!” ~ Natalie Helms
I would like to support you in manifesting an enlightened world in your reality. I’m offering my personal Manifesting Sessions over video conference thatise 100% guaranteed to transform your life from the inside out!
These enlightening, self-empowering dialogues open doors to deep healing and the realization of your goals. I will begin our journey together by exploring the information from your Akashic Records before our meeting, to ensure that your session is uniquely tailored to your needs. Before our session, I will pinpoint where your soul needs release and how to guide you to a healed state. With these psychic insights, I will help you transition into a future that is both empowering and deeply fulfilling.
With over two decades of experience in psychology, life coaching, hypnotherapy, and more than 2000 Akashic Soul Readings, I am committed to unlocking your innate manifesting abilities. These sessions are crafted to overcome obstacles and ignite a process of empowerment that awakens the ‘Enlightened Being’ within you. Even a single session can offer deep insights, renewed motivation, enhanced confidence, and inner peace.
"Calling Jafree for coaching was one of the smartest things I've ever done. He has inspired me so profoundly that my whole life has transformed. He showed me opportunities in my life and talents within myself that I didn't even know existed. His methods work! With Jafree, dreams become reality! I don't know where I'd be without him! If you're interested in learning how to manifest anything - be it love, money, success, or better health, Jafree is the man to talk to. Just being in his presence will increase your manifesting vibration!" ~ Avalon De Witt, Ft. Collins, Colorado
Whether you seek guidance on building meaningful relationships, achieving your dream job, increasing financial abundance, finding more time and energy, or healing from past traumas, I am here to serve you as your mentor. Together, we will explore your goals, uncover barriers, and implement strategies that spark profound inner transformation.
Experience the profound transformation and healing you deserve. This is an opportunity to embrace an extraordinary life filled with abundance and awe!