How to Transcend the Negative Mind ✨
The Spiritual Secrets to Completely Stop All Negative Thinking
"A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move on to higher levels." ~Albert Einstein
When my father committed suicide in 1993, I started a deep spiritual search inside myself for several years, which led me to India to find the answers within myself. What I discovered was something beyond anything I had imagined.
I was guided to Papaji’s ashram (disciple of Ramana Maharshi) where 300 of us meditated on the inquiry of ‘who am I’. What transgressed in the months ahead was an enormous shift in my reality that soared far beyond the spiritual limitations of what my mind was told was possible. You can read about my spiritual awakening in more detail by Clicking Here.
There’s just not enough momentum in generating positive thoughts to overshadow all the lies and negative thoughts we’ve been unconsciously fed our entire lives. So, if you want to completely stop your mind from generating any type of negative thought process, you will need to understand how to trick your mind to stop thinking period.
The first step on this magnificent journey to freedom is this. Don’t believe everything your mind thinks is true. To become the master of your mind, you have to stop being its slave. This means you need to realize how you already are a slave to your thoughts and often follow them like a lost puppy trailing behind the last person it sees walking by.
When you resist the urge to follow every thought you have, and just take one tiny step back from this ever-desiring forever searching-seeking strategizing mind, you instantly gain more awareness. With just this little bit more awareness, you instantly discover the power to stop obeying whatever the next thought your mind says is true. Then, you begin the life-long journey towards expanding in awareness and ascending in consciousness, instead of remaining a slave to your next series of thoughts.
"The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness." - Lao Tzu
The next step is having a conversation with your mind. Whenever your mind starts to become negative, fearful, or dwelling on some unhappy past event, how do you respond to it? Do you believe that what it's saying is the whole 100% truth? When the mind starts focusing on negative thoughts, it accumulates all kinds of reasons and rationale as to why it must be true. Yet, in that negative mindset moment, we never consider challenging the mind and asking it if there’s a slight possibility that it might just be wearing very dark murky sunglasses at that moment of your life.
To challenge your negative mindset can actually be quite challenging because your awareness is already covered in its dark muddled unclarity. So here’s another trick that will help you wake up. The moment you realize you’re thinking, feeling, speaking, or believing anything in life is purely negative, just imagine a giant white flag being flown over a warzone. Surrender this fight and give in to the feeling of inner peace. Let your ego be wrong about whatever it’s soooo negative about, and allow this conflict with reality to end at that moment.
It's not about trying to push yourself into any type of rejection, control, or avoidance of this negative mind. Once you truly fall into the energy of surrender, you release all identification with your thoughts, and in that very moment, you are free! The path of surrender is more about finding humility within the ego, which levels it out into a higher understanding of your eternal spiritual essence behind it all. Through relating with that sacred aspect of yourself that knows you’re an eternal being who is just having a temporary human experience, you naturally discover a resourced world inside yourself that’s beyond all negativity.
The negative thinking that you have experienced inside yourself is not wrong for being there. Whenever you were majorly hurt, wounded, or emotionally traumatized in your childhood (or from the last few years), this created layers of anger, despair, protection, or numbness around your emotional body to prevent that traumatic experience from reoccurring and perhaps destroying your will to live.
Yet, because the tendency is to continue the habit of believing whatever wounding we felt in the past must still be true today, we remain in the state of upholding and maintaining these emotional walls for years or decades. Forgiveness and healing are often not an option for a protective ego whose job is to never let its guard down, and maintain the impenetrable fortress protecting us from remaining forever stuck in feeling our pain. So, we must first realize how our guardedness is actually like a prison wall, keeping us in emotional bondage and unable to feel truly emotionally free.
Any emotional walls that you have from past trauma or betrayal, are most likely creating your low self-esteem, attachment issues, unrealistic expectations, unnecessary feelings of insecurity, communication barriers, fear of rejection, independence overdependence, and blocking you from creating an intimate loving relationship with someone. Emotional walls will impede on the development of intimate, loving relationships by hindering trust, vulnerability, and authentic loving connection. To transcend any old wall, simply return to the emotional body of your younger self before this trauma was activated.
Do you remember what life was like when you were a child? You were innocent, pure like the sun, and always amazed at the simplest things. You didn't hold onto any judgments about anything, believing that some people were always good and others were always bad. You lived simply and freely in the moment, from one experience to the next, seeing life brand new with fresh eyes of love, innocence, and wonder.
This innocent childlike vision is still inside you, and it is the ultimate key to your emotional freedom. Start with feeling into the heart of your playful inner child who is unaware of any type of trauma or wound. Notice how it’s open, accepting, and full of joy and wonder.
The childlike heart inside you feels this world is this massive magical playground and knows that anything is possible. It doesn’t entertain thoughts of worrying about the future, holding onto the past, or believing that it’s stuck in some horrible situation. The childlike mind is free and open to whatever experience life has to offer.
Yet, like any innocent toddler, this spontaneous young mind tends to follow whatever is happening around it. It simply flows from one thought to the next and has no higher discretion as to whether it wants to think, act, or behave in this way.
If everyone around you in life is irreverently rushing through their lives, blindly following their desires with desperation, you also might start thinking that this is just the way life is and you should join them. These younger immature parts of ourselves don’t want to feel left out, so they tend to follow the ways of what it’s told to believe is true, and remain in the safe pack with the rest of the sheeple.
The secret is accessing your original innocence that’s deep inside your childlike heart while maintaining a maturity in your awareness who knows not to get caught up in the needy, ever-desiring yearning immature mind. This means attempting to give up all attachments to fulfill your ego’s every wish, want, and desire and just accepting yourself and your past wounding exactly the way it is.
The wounded mind lives in the space of achieving, defending, striving not arriving, mistrust, and fear. It has no idea what the absolute truth is or how unconditional love feels. Let the mind know that it’s fired from being the sole commander of your life, and choose to reside in a deeper heartfelt spiritual existence that is based on trust, love, and connection. Do whatever you can to ignore the mind and drop into an innocent heart space that is free from any thoughts.
"Acknowledging the good that you already have in your heart is the foundation for all abundance." - Eckhart Tolle
The mind is the most dangerous and powerful thing in the Universe. It is a tyrant that we need to step back from to find real clarity and spiritual direction. For the wounded angry mind will throw you into hell one minute, and then you have to work super hard to transport yourself back to wholeness. So I advise you not to place your trust in the ever-changing mind. Invest your life energy into following, feeling, and trusting your heart instead. Your heart is the real emperor, who is already free from the controlling fear-based mind.
If you wish to become a super-empowered, deeply alive, joyous, free human being, you must live in the realization 24-7 that you are not your mind. You my friend are neither a rebellious black sheep nor a sedated white sheep. You are much wilder and freer than this complacent tamed animal! You are more like a lion here to spiritually awaken the entire Universe with one great roar! So stop right now and realize that you are always the master of your mind and never its slave.
When you relinquish all attachment to the mind’s ever-pressing list of wants, demands, and desires, you are instantly communicating with the mind who's in charge. The mind will always be there thinking about things, and you are there in the backseat just watching it think. The path to real spiritual freedom is about cultivating a peaceful detachment from your thoughts and finding the silent witness who already lives in a perpetually divine state of love, joy, and appreciation.
Essentially, what you’re doing when you fire the mind from being in charge of your experience of life is that you’re making this precious moment of life, more important than the mind. The raw real experience of life, simply being here now, is what destroys the mind from taking back the throne.
This is because the mind can only exist in the past or future. Once you are fully surrendered to this present moment the mind is no longer there. Where did it go? You are here, you are now, yet there is no more thinking, planning, or scheming going on. There is just this infinite experience of life in all directions.
"Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. You put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle." - Bruce Lee
The next secret to freedom from the negative mind boils down to understanding its repetitive nature. The mind is always busy thinking about something. Then, it assesses life and assumes that its’ assessments are true, and then repeats those thoughts throughout your life forming beliefs and systems of belief around it. It creates your entire reality based on this belief system, manifesting every situation and encounter in your life.
So truly, it makes no difference if you have worked for 20 years trying to cultivate an empowered positive mindset that has forced its way beyond negative thinking. If you accidentally stub your toe, break your ankle, or your beloved suddenly cheats on you and leaves you for another, the old wounded mind will instantly return to the driver’s seat making you into a victim, and regress into its traumatic unconscious pattern where it knows its original relationship with pain.
To heal your mind is to become the eternal witness of the mind. Unawareness is the basic nature of the mind, while awareness is the essence of your consciousness. Breaking free from old repetitive mental/emotional patterns starts with noticing how your mind is still blindly following every thought instead of realizing you’re the consciousness that’s creating it.
"True intelligence operates silently. Stillness is where creativity and solutions to problems are found." - Eckhart Tolle
Most of us were raised in schools that were programmed to make us slaves to the system, and thus slaves to our minds. These public schools are set up like prisons, lacking in emotional sensitivity, and protective high-wire fences to keep predators out and the children locked in. These institutions have not been designed to teach kids how to have relationships based on love, truth, and live in a spiritual dimension.
The school system was created in such a way to make everyone believe in its power. It formed the relationship you have today with your mind. Follow the leader, do what you're told, strive harder so you can achieve more, and then someday you’ll reach the top rung on the ladder and become something really special. These are such deep subconscious lies programmed into our lives.
Liberation from decades of programming is possible when we make the essence of pure consciousness the guru and the mind its disciple. This is the only way to let go of decades of thinking patterns that were programmed by society's Neanderthal education system. Through a deep investigation of your own consciousness, you’ll naturally start to rely on your intuition and divine inspiration to guide you. You’ll inherently know that you already are something beyond special… a real masterpiece! There is nobody in the Universe exactly like you.
There is no better school than the one found inside your own heart and soul. And this inner education is discovered when you surround yourself with people who are spiritually alive and awake in this very moment. I believe that the children of our world today are your best teachers for learning how to live free from the mind. These kids may be small in size, yet have incredible power because they have no limitations on what is possible. Children live in such awe and wonder of our Universe, that they are naturally wide open to experience its miracles.
Did you know there are schools now that teach normal children how to read a book with a blindfold on? That's right! These kids can actually see the words in a book using their 3rd eye and can read an entire book using their psychic vision. Watch this Amazing Documentary about it and get ready to blow your mind! If you have kids and would like to ask them if they want to learn how to do this Click Here.
If you noticed, this special psychic 3rd eye school is full of liberated children because their minds are still sponges and not locked up in rigid education systems. These kids are very open to believing and knowing that anything is possible. Most adults who try to learn this psychic skill, however, find it much harder to see through their blindfolds because they cannot detach from their mind's rigid belief systems. Yet, it has been possible that certain adults have learned how to do this as well.
The secret to breaking free from your adult imprisoned mind conditioning is to take the risk this week to start behaving like a liberated child again. You can start with dancing outside freely in the grass, playing in the mud, asking silly questions, and eating without plates or utensils. Do whatever kids do and you’ll naturally get in touch with your playful free inner childlike liberated mind and access your naturally open trusting heart again.
Trust is the energy that makes you free from the mind. Trust is what bonds the relationships with family, creates new friends, heals your body, and liberates your mind from the clutches of negative thinking. Have 100% trust in life for 24 hours and you’ll feel amazing! Trust is the opposite of fear, and all negative thoughts are rooted in fear, which stems from the mind’s belief in separation from the God Source.
"Trust in yourself, trust in the wisdom of the universe, and trust in the unfolding of your life's path. You are exactly where you need to be." — Unknown
So your job as a spiritual being is to bring awareness to the levels of trust you’re operating from today, and try to increase them however you can. The vibration of trust is far bigger than cultivating a positive mindset to overpower the negative. Trust is a feeling that everything is happening for your enlightenment, and not to harm you in any way. It knows that the entire Universe loves, accepts, and appreciates you exactly as you are. The trusting feeling instantly devours any negative thought patterns that arise with its simple yet fierce loving presence.
Trust will take over your life when the mind has been given enough time and space to feel completely safe and secure like you perhaps felt at some point in your childhood. Regain this level of trust in life and the mind will automatically release its habit of negativity. When we are infused with deep soul lessons and living from the heart, listening to guidance only from within, we will live on a level of higher consciousness that is beyond the negative thoughts and evolve into beings that are free beyond comprehension.
By letting go of control and trusting every thought and thing happening to you in life for just 24 hours in a row, you’ll instantly step back from the negative controlling fear-based mind and surrender to feeling how this awesome Universe is always supporting us. That spiritual being who you really are already knows that everything is happening for you, not to you. This trusting heart fills every fear-clinching crevice inside us, and we can truly appreciate the predicaments, problems, and challenging situations we're facing right now.
The next secret to finding freedom from the negative mind comes with checking in with yourself to see how often you’re following your ego or living from faith and trust. What percentage is your heart open to giving and receiving love, or closed at this moment? Is your heart willing to let in 100% trust, love, connection, and freedom, or does it need another year of being right about how scary love is and how lonely and disconnected you actually feel?
Ask yourself where you’re protecting your heart and if you’re still feeling like a lost puppy somewhere inside, following the desiring mind wherever it leads you to go. Whenever we remember this feeling of being in love with ourselves and appreciating our lives as they currently are, we immediately are free from the ego which is always enslaving us to feel we must need, want, and always have something to be happy.
Here’s a powerful technique that will help with softening the fear-based conditioning around your heart. Lay down in the place you feel the most safe and secure in the world (probably your bed) and start letting go of every ounce of tension in your body. Keep relaxing every bone, tendon, and muscle until your body feels more than 50% relaxed.
Then, ask your mind directly, ‘What do you need to know, feel, or experience so you can fully let go, and trust in life 100% of the time?’ If you don’t get an answer keep relaxing deeper. This relaxation enables us to experience mastery of our existence where we can surrender to life and enjoy everything even more.
“Your mind has nothing to do with your intelligence. Intelligence is the quality of your awareness. The more aware you are, the more intelligent you’ll become.” ~Osho
Through a deep focused relaxation of your physical body, you will naturally relax on the psychological level as well. It may take weeks of practice, yet if you continue with this same inquiry process, asking every negative thought you encounter what it needs to trust in life 100% of the time, you’ll soon discover the highest levels of joy, love, and truth naturally flowing into your awareness.
It is the ridiculous simplicity of this relaxation practice that makes it soooo powerful and profound. It feels sooooo good and effortless to let go of tension, and just surrender to gravity. The deeper you can relax, the more trust you’ll feel. With some practice, this relaxation-trust technique can become something you can do and see instant results anytime anywhere. Try to integrate it into your life as much as possible and you’ll discover you’re light years away from those old negative thoughts that have been plaguing your mind.
I find that I have much more love and appreciation naturally the moment I welcome this deeper relaxed foundation in my body. Relaxation is the key that opens up the heart, increases consciousness, and expands your awareness exponentially! Perhaps you may think it’s too simple, stupid, or impossible to fully relax your body, yet every day is another possible opportunity to relax and trust life deeper. I guarantee that if you do this one technique every day, you will see massive results in a few weeks, so just keep on practicing!
The mind cannot be fully trusted until it knows that the heart is its real master. So start with bringing awareness to whatever part of your mind is still trying to fix, improve, or heal you, and release all beliefs that say there’s something wrong with you. Just try accepting yourself and your faults exactly the way you are.
Stop trying to think more positively, manage your life perfectly, or figure the grand mystery out. Let go of your mind games and start riding the wild free horse to spiritual liberation! By training your body to deeply relax beneath the mind, you’ll naturally free yourself from all plaguing thoughts and obsessive thinking about the past and future. Relax deeper and deeper inside YOU until you are fully 100% here now.
This may initially feel like you’re attempting to climb to the peak of Mount Everest, yet it is possible to do so. Over 5000 ordinary people have successfully made it to the summit of Everest, yet they also have spent months training their body and mind for this wild quest. So, if you want to reach the highest peak in consciousness available to humankind, train your inner world to relax, trust, and surrender your ego/mind.
Follow your heart instead of your thoughts. Make your connection with the silent source of God more important than achieving anything in this world. Focus on doing whatever work brings you deep joy and real inner peace at the end of your day, and continue in that direction until you arrive.
"When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy." ~ Rumi
Inner peace begins when you merge with your heart and place the demanding desiring mind perpetually on the back burner. In the heart, you’ll find that life’s just naturally easier. The patient always welcoming open heart can relish your daily challenges, seeing them as opportunities in disguise. It will make all your choices for you in the world, helping you to feel more liberated, peaceful, appreciative, and free!
If having 100% total control of your mind and your thoughts was the secret power to life’s success and happiness, then we would be ridiculously bored. Life would be void of all surprise and mystery! If you could control every next thought you'd think, you’d soon find out that you didn't want to have this power anymore because there would be no element of surprise in your life…ever! You would ask for something and it'd be instantly given and after your life was 100% perfect you'd become utterly bored.
The more we try to lighten our grip on life and stop attempting to control our mind/destiny, the more liberated we will become. That's why your future is called your destiny because your ego has zero control over every little detail that happens! Life is a huge let-go experiment. It is the greatest mystery to be lived and not some technical heady problem to be solved.
So my final liberating secret for you today is this. The most positive empowering healing mindset will find its way into you when you welcome the greatest unknown mystery of life by abiding in the space between your thoughts. Get super curious about what it feels like to have an empty quiet mind. By simply practicing relaxing in the silent space that is in between every single thought, you will quickly fall into a deeper silence and reverence for life. In that tiny space of silence that’s always in between your negative thoughts, you will find the perfect awareness is already there to feel all the freedom you’ll ever need.
Who is the author Jafree Ozwald?
Jafree is a gentle yet powerful soul who has discovered what people have been searching for their entire lives, the enlightenment experience. He had his first spiritual awakening in India in 1995, and since then he has touched the minds and hearts of hundreds of thousands of people from around the world.
He is currently serving the world as a writer, speaker, and personal manifesting coach. He is devoted to helping empower people who are ready to liberate themselves from all the suffering in their lives through a spiritual transmission in his sessions. This awakening process is quick and powerful and has proven to help people effortlessly manifest the life of their dreams.
Jafree is a natural-born empath, intuitive healer, and tarot card reader who can read the Akashic records. He has a degree in psychology and hypnotherapy and many other healing modalities and training. Jafree offers one-on-one manifesting sessions, relationship coaching, how to manifest your soulmate sessions, energetic cord-cutting, emotional release therapy, and hypnotherapy over the phone.
Jafree’s Personal Manifesting Sessions are empowering experiences that will help you to release your emotional blocks, mental limitations, and negative thought patterns so you may discover a more relaxed open confident peaceful space in your mind & body. Each session is a transformational journey inside yourself to reprogram your subconscious mind for future success.
You can also request a tantric coaching session and learn all of his multi-orgasmic secrets for men. Unleash your inner secret manifesting powers and access your unlimited potential. There are no limits to what you can manifest and heal! You can visit his online enlightenment portal at
Very well said and true