How to Liberate your Spirit and Enlighten your Life
Trusting the Gateway to a Much Deeper Spiritual Relaxation...
“There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it’s going to be a butterfly.” ~ Buckminster Fuller
Throughout this day, breathe deeply and allow your heart to relax completely. Soften any protection you perceive around your heart. Lighten any defensiveness from yesterday, and feel yourself being safe enough to become as delicate as a blossoming young flower.
This process of softening and opening your heart will slowly quiet your mind, and begin the process of awakening your spiritual experience of life. Automatically it will happen, making it easier to feel at peace with life. Practice this each day for 21 days in a row and you’ll feel a real sense of connection with this Divine moment. This will create the habit of choosing peace over drama in your system, and you’ll begin your journey to real healing.
The one who has the most relaxed open heart also has the most fulfilling life. Their mind easily surrenders to embracing and experiencing the highest Divinity within. The movement of surrendering is not some action of ‘giving up’ something that gives your life joy, meaning, or direction. Surrender is not about throwing up a white flag and losing the will to live. It has a much deeper spiritual dimension than that.
"Don’t just sit and wait. Get out there and feel life. Touch the sun, and immerse yourself in the sea." ~ Rumi
Real surrender is your deepest possible relaxation into your Self. You are giving up trying to satisfy the ego’s relentless list of desires and demands. You realize they are all very short-lived moments of the ego being pacified, and are not giving you the real connection, strength, and feeling of spiritual peace.
The path of surrendering the ego to a higher power is the greatest bliss and the secret to letting go of all of the pains we’re still carrying. Our pains always exist on the periphery. Even though when we are upset or angry it seems our entire being is filled with agony, when we look deeper into the very innermost core of our energy field, we always find the watcher who’s unscathed by it all. The one who is witnessing the drama is untouched by the cyclone of the mind and abiding in an ever-present river of peace.
At your very innermost center, your being is a spiritual reservoir of freedom, joy, and real abundance. Why do you think millions of monks and sadhus retreat from the world and sit in a cave to be all alone with their pain? They have had a glimpse of this divine sacred nectar that one can call a ‘meeting with God’ and they are trying to reconnect with that feeling again. The liberation they discover in this deep inner journey is a sensation of peace and love that has no boundaries or limitations.
“Let your life be that of the rose. In silence, it speaks the language of fragrance.” ~Babaji
This infinite spiritual reservoir is always there, never dry, and always flowing. You don’t have to do anything to create it. You don’t have to heal yourself, forgive others, or do anything for it to exist. God is already here right now. The mind just has to learn how to trust this and let go of the habit of believing that you’re a limited human being filled with problems, desires, and limitations.
This spiritual shift in consciousness is very slight, yet extremely powerful. It is a transformation that will root your entire life in real joy and peace. This path is about trusting in the experience of surrender and surrendering to the experience of trust. Once your heart is 100% trusting of life, yourself, the future, the past, and the Divine Plan, then the deepest relaxation happens all on its own accord.
The key is knowing your freedom from pain begins with this choice to surrender to the moment, trusting that it’s always taking you on an eternal river of bliss. This moment of your life is not invasive, abusive, or trying to hurt you. This very moment of your life is so delicate and precious. It is here to help you let go of your past and heal. It’s the mind that’s creating all your confusion and chaos, making you rewatch the trauma-drama movies from your past.
"Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself." ~ Rumi
The real apocalyptic battle that we are seeing in the world is not coming from the physical forms, but from what’s underneath it. The inner contains the source of all outer pain that you see in this world. It is always manifesting from the unhealed past traumas in the inner world. The mind is creating all of the fear, and taking action on its fears thus creating more drama and suffering.
Your liberation, however, is based on how frequently you choose spiritual fulfillment over your ego’s fears. You have the power to reinvent your version of reality, based on beliefs that liberate you. Whatever truly liberates your heart and soul is what you most need to focus your energy on today, if you want to be free.
It’s the perception deception patterns of the mind, that forgets that we have this perpetual option to look inside instead of outside for the answers. Not blaming the inner for what it believes is ‘wrong’ inside you, but looking deeper into the stillness that’s at the center of the pain for what feels lighter, more effortless, and is already at ease.
"The moment you surrender, the heart opens and the mind becomes quiet." - Eckhart Tolle
This Lightness inside you has all the answers. When you relax deep enough into your heart, you soon find out what is really important and worth remembering. This amazing healing loving presence is always inside us, always available, and ready to be experienced now. We simply have to stop and open to the spiritual being inside us now.
The reason it’s so difficult is that the mind is in the way. Your mind is the greatest mechanism for falsifying reality. It cannot surrender to this Lighter freer experience in the heart and is always telling you to come back to “reality”. The mind is filled with saboteurs, negative thoughts, and deceptive perceptions that cannot be trusted. So we must always trust the heart over the mind.
This deeper resonance and surrender to the heart is what eventually gives birth to the enlightened state or the greatest spiritual awakening of your life. The only reason it hasn’t happened yet is simply because the mind has other priorities and distractions. It doesn’t believe such a great enlightening experience is possible for you. Maybe you feel like you don’t deserve it, or you have to work hard for it, or that it’s only something that occurs to the special few.
The mind simply doesn’t understand what the spiritual source is. It can only think in limitations and so just gives up on its inner quest and returns to what is comfortable and known. It’s daily habits, routine, and this perpetual search in the outer world to fulfill its desires so that you can feel more joy, and peace, and become ‘satisfied’.
“You were born with wings, why do you prefer to crawl through life?" ~ Rumi
Enlightenment occurs when there is no ego/mind in charge calling the shots, telling you what to do and how to do it. Real freedom happens when you are surrendered to the state of pure presence, at peace with your past and future. The ego is surrendered to being at one with everything and everyone. When the heart is fully open, the mind is suddenly forced to become calm and at ease. The unhappy ego fades away in the Light of pure awareness and only the bright eternal witness remains.
The only problem is that it often takes some super-deep levels of suffering before we realize that we need a spiritual awakening. The moment we do realize this, then more devotion and dedication show up in your hearts and you’re suddenly feeling open to everyone and everything. This Light spiritual feeling within you arises out of the openness of its own accord.
Once you have 100% committed to not letting the mind master you, yet you are the master of your mind, the mind becomes a servant and abides in this natural blissful river inside the heart. The mind and distracted, chaotic patterns become absorbed by the depth of silence and the power the heart contains. This silence is always here, and easily found in between every thought and heartbeat you have. Look for it, you’ll find it!
“I have learned silence from the talkative, tolerance from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind. Yet, its strange how I am ungrateful to these teachers.” ~ Kahlil Gibran
You can become the master of your life today based on your decision to quiet this untamed wild mind and direct your energy vigilantly into the heart. The peace-filled power that it will bring into your life will be much greater than any accomplishment or dream could ever achieve. Besides, everything you create in the outer world will one day dissolve or be taken away.
Invest your life in that which is eternal, that is the only wise choice at this point in the game. Take action to tame your mind in each moment and bring your attention to the heart of your being. Once you realize you are confined for an eternity in this ever-present moment, you realize surrender is your only choice.
So start taming the mind, with soothing loving thoughts that gently lead it into the heart. Always respond to others coming from the very essence of your heart. If you don’t know what this is, place your attention on your physical heart for the next 30 days. Soon you’ll notice profound sensations of love, joy, and peace growing in you.
If you’d like more intimate details about Jafree’s journey into a Spiritual Awakening and what it was like for him… Click Here!