How to Find the Source of your Spiritual Essence
Secrets to Embarking on the Grand Expedition to Discover your Spiritual Nature
"Be still, and know that I am God." - Psalms 46:10
Someone once asked me, "How will I know when I’m having a spiritual experience?" I had to stop and feel into this question deeper before I responded. Later that day I replied, ‘The first thing to know is that you'll feel a very expansive energy and awareness that’s deeply healing to your heart and is undeniably freeing your mind from the inside.’
I went on to describe how this ever-expanding experience of reality follows you everywhere you go, a sensation of magic is thick in the air, and you know deep down that ANYTHING is possible. The doubting skeptical analytical mind realizes that its position is redundant, that it no longer needs to be in control of anything because it never was in control of anything. It is at this moment that you can enjoy every moment of your life.
The shift into the living everyday awareness that at the core of everyone is an infinite spiritual being with infinite love, lightness, and power. The spiritual quest to find this truth can ignite all sorts of old undigested emotional issues buried inside us. We may even feel that our entire lives were one enormous lie. Somedays we can feel like we’re going crazy, and we need to give up our jobs, friends, homes, and families, and move somewhere completely different to be alone.
Remember, all of these fear-based thoughts and feelings are caused by our ego trying to regain control. This is all part of the awakening process. Once we drop into the core of the feeling and remain there for a long time, we’ll see how it’s teaching us how to love deeper, let go of life more, and relax into the sensation of 100% trust in life. Then, it will be obvious that it was our minds/egos making us believe that the fear was real and our lives were not on the right track.
If we ever happen to feel like our lives are getting waaaaay out of control, I highly recommend doing exactly this. Lay down on the actual earth and breathe deeply for 15 minutes. Feel all the feelings you’re experiencing inside your body with each breath. After you’re done, just lay there in total silence and stillness. Breathwork helps to liberate the ego from its command post and helps us discover the truth of who we are. The truth will set us free, yet first, it will annihilate our ego
If tension, fear, or pain are plaguing your life, breathe deep into that pain. Welcome it into the Light that lives inside your heart. Repeat this deep breathing process until you feel all bodily tension subside. This exercise may make you squirm at first, yet give it 15-20 minutes before giving up. If you want huge results, expand your lungs to 100% full on the inhale and exhale. This practice forces us to meet our demons and feel our hearts deeper than we ever have in our entire lives.
"The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance." - Alan Watts
You don’t need to live in a cave deep in the Himalayas to find your true spiritual nature. However, investing more time each week for silent meditation, fasting, cleansing the body, and being alone in nature can tremendously help. When you purify the body, you clarify the mind, and it’s much easier to see your spiritual essence and realize that it was always there.
However, many yogis have purified their bodies and minds for decades, and still feel miles away from God. So it’s not all about purification. The only real thing blocking us from seeing, knowing, and feeling the spiritual essence inside is our attachment to the mind. The thoughts passing through the brain want to analyze, intellectualize, and make a detailed progress report about how much closer you are to finding God. It’s completely ironic and ridiculous because God never left, the God Source is everpresent and always here now.
So the main thing blocking us from finding the Spiritual Source inside us is how we relate to all these thoughts and beliefs about who we are. What are the beliefs that you think are true about yourself? These are the thoughts that are making us distracted from and unaware that who we truly are is the eternal witness of these thoughts. We are the consciousness, not these intellectual objects of our mind.
"The answers you seek never come when the mind is busy, they come when the mind is still." - Unknown
The next step to finding the Spiritual Source inside us is in our devotion to being free from our minds and relaxing deeper into our bodies. When we wake up in the morning and realize our lives are 100% devoted to being free from the all-mighty ego that just wants, wants, wants, then we will one day discover how to relax and be at peace with everything that is. This is when the spiritual source will suddenly find us.
The greatest spiritual shift of our lives often happens after we’ve invested enough time and energy into this spiritual inquiry that says, “Well if I am not this ego, then who the heck am I?” When we are looking and searching deeper inside every day for the deepest Truth, not rushing, not being impatient, not resisting exploring anything, we are truly enjoying the inward journey and then it doesn’t matter so much if we ever arrive. When we have an infinite amount of patience, deep down we know the truth and realize it is all about arriving more fully into the here and now.
No matter how many books we read, or spiritual courses we take, we will find the Spiritual Source inside us when we are ripe and ready for it. The fruit will drop from the tree the moment it’s perfectly ripe, and not a moment sooner or later. The fruit doesn’t try to push itself away from the tree. It simply falls the moment the tree lets it go. The moment you are ready to detach from your ego and freely fall into the unknown for an eternal amount of time, then you are ready.
Our spiritual awareness of life changes, not when the ego thinks it should change, but when the ego has fully given up control and is allowing our spiritual nature to run the show. Everything in life changes the moment we disconnect from every single belief system, and become rooted in our natural direct connection with our heart. Here we discover the home of Divinity. We become receptive to the entire spiritual existence and are happily bathing in its Divine presence every day without desire for more.
“Within you is the light of a thousand suns." - Robert Adams
When we are relaxed in our hearts, we also feel closer to knowing everything in the Universe IS perfect and Divinely orchestrated. It's much easier to embrace our infinite spiritual nature when we are okay with whatever we find inside us. Our ideas about our past and future, all of our faults and fallacies, everything yes every little thing is exactly perfect as it is right now. When we can accept ourselves on this level, we instantly see the bigger picture, and there's no more resistance, complaining, or efforting to get something better. We can find peace in ANY situation because we know that life is eternal and no matter what happens, we know that this too shall pass.
We can instantly fire up our spiritual engines today by starting each day with an honest and authentic "Thank You" to our Selves and the Universe. Let's give gratitude for what is here now, what was, and whatever will come to be. Let's trust in this higher guidance and let our higher power show us the way. The more we are grateful for life, the more we can feel life is grateful for us.
Let's feel deeper into the feeling that WE ARE LOVED and deeply cherished by this Universe. Nothing is by coincidence. We are not accidents. The Universe needs us to be asleep so we can have the experience of awakening. Every puzzle piece is essential. Without you, just as you are, the grand puzzle of life is missing a very essential piece and is not 100% complete.
So let's open up to this experience of perfection. You are perfect just the way you are. Your past is perfect exactly as it is. Everyone you know is perfect just the way they are. By giving gratitude to Existence for the way life is, your ego is getting out of the way and allowing your spiritual nature the space it needs to be felt in you. This expansive blissful abundant life feeling is what we are all seeking. It is available, always available in each new moment you can feel it. If you are open and can trust 100%, it will come pouring into your being.
"Be a light onto yourself." ~Buddha
Our spiritual nature shows itself the moment we can relax about everything in our entire lives. This means the deepest relaxation about your past is truly all that’s needed, and then any clinging to the future will drop on its own. Simply choose to let your heart relax and be open to shining in all situations. Notice where the love in your heart is coming from. You'll feel instantly better by bringing attention in this relaxed direction daily. This focus will till the soil to give roots for the spiritual experience waiting to blossom in our Being.
Your heart is the Source of your spiritual essence. It's the doorway to your core spiritual nature. The greatest experience in life is found through this channel. Permit yourself to feel safe to venture deeper into the heart. Focus on your heart religiously every day. Mediate on it opening like a flower to the Sun. Feel the Lightness pouring into it and through it. This simple meditation will soon give birth to living in a perpetual daily spiritual experience of life.
Look inside yourself right now. Where are you not living in connection with your heart? This is where you live in worry, stress, and fear. Can you ask those fearful parts inside you if they can relax and choose to see and feel love instead? Notice where negative energy is physically showing up in your body, take hold of that tension, and use it to drive you deeper inside. Follow it to the worst contracted source of pain that lives inside you and breathe into that pain. Pain is also a doorway to the Divine, we simply have to realize that it’s a spiritual teacher, not an authoritative punisher.
Today is that sacred day to make the absolute resolution and full-heart decision to step into this path of spiritual realization. Once you are committed, everything falls into place. It's as if a brilliant Sun starts shining into your future and guides you forward through each day. A simple heartfelt devotion and childlike curiosity to explore your spiritual nature is all you need. With this, each day you will discover a deeper undercurrent of love, awareness, and peacefulness that continues to spring up into your heart throughout your life…
"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." ~The Dalai Lama
If you’d like some assistance experiencing the spiritual being inside you, I am available for online sessions. You can unlock your full spiritual potential and start manifesting the life you desire with just one of my personal Manifesting Sessions. I have over 25 years of practice working with thousands of people teaching them how to harness the power of manifestation, guiding you step by step to manifest your dreams into reality.
And it doesn’t matter whether you need to manifest more money, your soulmate, a better job, or an amazing loving relationship, together we'll cultivate the higher spiritual mindset that can easily manifest your goals with clarity and confidence. Don't wait any longer to create the life you deserve – book a session here and start manifesting your dreams into tangible results!
Sending the healing heartfelt vibes to you,
Jafree Ozwald
Thank you for shareing such a clear loving message full of light, wisdom and truth. It helped me attuned with my path in a very profound way. Thank you