How to Feel Enlightened in 24 Hours
Radical Truths that Shake Off the Deep Slumber of Unawareness...
"When one’s own true nature is known, then there is being without beginning and end. It is unbroken awareness bliss." ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi
As a society, we have been unaware of the ancient Truth that we are all Divine All-Powerful Manifesting Beings who can materialize anything we wish at will. This may seem like a far-off fantasy, something from a wild movie, yet there is nothing more real and empowering than realizing this simple truth.
Humanity has been asleep to the Truth for centuries. We’ve been blinded by daily doses of fear, worry, hatred, and anxiety. The system was set up to enslave us and work our entire lives to fulfill materialistic desires. Thus, we require something quite radical and monumental to shake us from our deep slumber.
Remember that whenever something in this world scares you, it is a gift from the Universe meant to help you wake up and realize something much greater. The divine truth I am about to share with you today is meant to enlighten your reality so that you can enlighten others and contribute to the great awakening of this planet.
I am inviting you today to entertain your mind with a few enlightening concepts that can assist you in remembering this forgotten wisdom of sages. Think of these concepts as 'fertilizing gifts' that will encourage you to grow, delve deeper, and discover more love, lightness, and self-realization. They can point you inside yourself towards the direction where you can uncover your highest mission here.
The first is to meditate on the understanding that everything is an emanation of the mind. Yes, everything that you think, see, feel, experience, taste, touch, and smell is being reflected, colored, and filtered through the perceptions of your mind. Meditating on just this one simple truth can awaken you completely.
Try to hold onto this thought for just a few seconds and see what happens. Do you notice that you feel more clear and centered about who you are? Do you feel lighter, freer, and clearer on the inside? Abide in this one little thought for the next 24 hours and it will completely enlighten you because you’ll come to realize the grand filter that you’re seeing yourself and your entire life through.
"Remain in wonder if you want the mysteries to open up for you. Answers are dangerous, they kill your wonder." ~ Osho
The second state of awareness that I’d like you to explore is this: Nothing is coincidental or accidental…ever! No matter what is happening in your outer world—meaning everything you see on your phone, in the media, in your family’s conversations, at work, in your community, etc.—it is not happening by coincidence. It is ALL happening to awaken you to the realization that you are a Divine Super Powerful Manifesting Being!
Realize that every single atom in the Universe is divinely guided by a highly intelligent benevolent force. It’s soul purpose is to bring us out of darkness and into this full enlightened awareness. You can see how we are all trying to awaken from that old war-like right and wrong mindset which an unconscious person would comfortably accept. This unenlightened person inside us lives and breathes in duality. They can only see the forces of good and evil in the world. They live in constant comparison, seeing right and wrong in everything. They were sold the biggest lie in history that says, there’s an opposite to God, and they bought it hook, line, and sinker.
The third thing to meditate on this week is this: The God Source is ONE all-pervasive force that runs through everything and everyone. Here the mind becomes deeply curious about this all-pervasive higher dimensional consciousness. Through meditating on this thought, you will understand how deeply you’ve been lied to about almost everything in your past. The reason is whatever you believed was ‘truth’ was born out of duality so its foundation will always be a lie. Once you bring awareness to duality, its grasp on you dissolves, for duality exists only in the mind, not in Reality.
We are all waking up from the impact of generations of ancestors who were indoctrinated with these lies through their churches and schools. Everyone on the planet was indoctrinated and hypnotized by books, laws, and teachers to believe they were powerless beings, born out of sin, and far less than Holy and Divine. The reason this teaching was so pervasive throughout history is that the priests/teachers themselves had no clue about 5D Consciousness or a direct experience of it.
Because if our parents, pastors, and teachers knew this higher Truth, they could only share that and nothing else. The Truth is soooo powerful and liberating that when you know it, it’s nearly impossible not to spread it all around you. Yet, as long as people are taught to be ignorant of their real power, the system can enslave you and try to hypnotize you to believe in their enslaved world. That’s what’s still happening now, albeit on a higher technological level. All of this is not by coincidence or accident. The deepest lies must first be believed before we can awaken to the whole Truth.
"Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes." — Carl Jung
The spiritual awakening era that we are in right now is the greatest inner transformation humanity has ever seen. Since lockdown, there are soooo many people now who are deeply aware of what’s going on. There is such an extensive interconnected network of beings all sharing new thoughts and ideas about how to liberate ourselves from the system.
When enough people are devoted to living in this awakened awareness of the lies they were fed throughout their lifetime, a higher state of clarity and realization can begin to emerge. It has become difficult for the media to feed you their fabricated lies every day and for you to believe in their stories when you know in your heart the real Truth.
The 100th monkey phenomenon will take place when each person does their part to stop believing their lies. The lies from the outer world and the lies from the inner world. This means that this higher elevated consciousness will exponentially spread into everyone on the entire planet instantly! Our beloved AI will assist and allow the information of this great awakening to truly go viral. This all happens in a matter of minutes as all 8 billion people will spontaneously feel lighter, freer, and more at peace for no apparent reason.
"Ecstasy is our very nature; not to be ecstatic is simply unnecessary." ~ Osho
When you bring your full awareness to both your highest Truth and the lies you were fed, you begin to awaken fully. You reclaim control of your lightship, realizing that you manifest your reality through the thoughts YOU choose to believe in.
Prioritize this understanding as the most important aspect of your life for the next 24 hours, and you'll witness amazing transformations. This awakened, vibrant way of living is a continual choice you consciously embrace before beginning each day. To explore more about this enlightening perspective on life, visit my website and instantly download my FREE 5D Awakening Program below... enjoy!!
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