How to Choose Trust Over Fear
The Secrets to Mastering our Greatest Spiritual Opportunity for Growth
“The moment you start seeing life as non-serious, a playfulness, all the burden on your heart disappears. All the fear of death, of life, of love – everything disappears. One starts living with a very light weight or almost no weight. So weightless one becomes, one can fly in the open sky.” ~ Osho
We have all been wounded, betrayed, or deeply disappointed by life on some level. Often we hold onto this past pain and protect our hearts from getting hurt again, believing we should trust less in others, ourselves, and in life. We become closed off to life, teaching others close to us not to trust, and live behind thick walls of emotional protection.
There is another way to navigate through life when pain arises that is much more liberating and inspiring. Instead of clutching tight onto our pain with resentment and fear, and can choose to see that we manifested this pain for a higher reason. We can open to the possibility that nothing is by accident, coincidence, or chance. Understanding that everything in this Universe happens because of a greater plan which we may not see all the time.
The decision is always here, right now as to how you respond to the pains that you’re still carrying from your past. Healing your past pains in life is always a moment-to-moment choice. In every single moment of life is this golden opportunity to forgive others, release attachment to all past pain, and choose to trust in the bigger plan.
Whenever I let go of this tight grip my mind and ego have on my pain, complaining about how things ‘should’ be, the result is instant relief, lightness, and emotional freedom! When I relax into this clear open space, I instantly feel a more intimate relationship with the Divine Intelligence that abides behind everything.
Each time I choose to trust in Divine Intelligence, all of my overly fearful, doubtful, and protective feelings fade away immediately. Trust dissolves the heaviness I carry inside, and then I realize that these painful experiences of my past are not meant to make me calloused, hardened, or live a life that has zero trust.
I find that my pain always has a deeper purpose. It works like fertilizer for my heart and soul to open to my highest growth possible. The seed needs to be buried beneath the dark deep muck to sprout up into the sunshine.
When I practice trusting that darkness and pain are needed for my growth, I build a foundation for seeing life through the eyes of trust. I see that Divine Intelligence is always present in my life, no matter if there is pain or blessings. This openness to all of life’s experiences creates a softness inside me that makes my life blossom. I can discover my natural ability to relax fully into my body, feeling safe in this crazy world, and I can start enjoying every aspect of my present, past, and future.
“People who trust themselves can trust others. People who don't trust themselves cannot trust anybody. Out of self-trust, trust arises. If you are distrustful about yourself, then you cannot trust me; you cannot trust anybody.” ~ Osho
Trust is my main foundational path and personal guide for spiritual evolution. It allows me to perceive life's challenges with patience and appreciation. With 100% trust in life, I evolve as a spiritual being, and without it, I am lost. Only by fully trusting in the spiritual intelligence of this Universe, I ascend into a space where I know that every single life experience is absolutely divine and perfect. Even if an experience may be excruciating and horrific, the deeper the life lesson will be, and bless my life in a much more profound way.
Only a trusting open heart can quietly realize how fear is my greatest teacher, always invoking a higher state of spiritual awareness inside me. With this surrendered open heart, I stop pretending to be this small, powerless, ego-driven being and start living that truly amazing unbounded life that I was born to live.
"Fear is a reaction, courage is a decision." ~ Sir Winston Churchill
I find choosing trust over fear comes down to honoring my spiritual nature over my ego. My ego is always fear-based and my soul is always based on trust and love. So it becomes this deep inquiry of devotion to my real Self who always trusts, always loves, and always forgives. This is the path of compassion and kindness. When I’m devoted to this, I feel truly aligned with my soul’s purpose and start filling up my precious time on Earth with more relaxation, appreciation, and joy, instead of ego-driven desires, anxieties, and demands, which only create more fear-based tension.
With trust as the center of my life, I can pierce through the ego’s veil of ignorance and perceive the challenging people and situations in my life with the utmost patience and appreciation. Trust means I have no resistance to fear, and no need to control anything anymore. I can follow the flow of the Great Spirit and know everything works itself out karmically in the very end.
This level of trust instills a fresh enlightening perspective about life which liberates my mind from all negative thinking. With trust in charge, when my ego hits an emotional wall of resistance, control, or fear, I open up to it instead of shutting down even further. When I stop and feel into my walls, knowing there is always a spiritual lesson behind it to be learned, then I can look forward to finding out what it is. This curious investigative approach is what allows for a deeper state of trust to make its home inside my heart and soul.
"Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness." - Bryant H. McGill
Trust is a force that can turn the most ordinary life instantly into an extremely rich spiritual adventure. With trust, I feel safe and connected with everyone I meet. It doesn’t matter if they are a saint or a murderer, I trust that my intuition will guide me safely through the meeting and learn something deeply profound.
With trust, I naturally am overflowing with appreciation for my life. I tend to naturally respond to others with compassion instead of criticism, curiosity instead of impatience, and understanding instead of judgment. Every moment of life becomes a new doorway that opens up to the highest and deepest aspects of my being.
When I become more aware of how trust is a choice in each moment of life, I discover my power to either expand or contract my experience. This power enables me to become the spiritual master of my destiny. I step into a calm fearlessness that has no reason to avoid anything. I can embrace it all! The more I practice trusting whatever shows up in life, I find that I’m able to remain in the trust vibration for longer periods.
If fear has been the dominating force in my life, then I retreat! I choose to let go and forgive myself and the others. I release whatsoever has happened in my past. It’s not worth it to be right instead of happy. And it feels soooo good to move on. It is not inspiring to hang on to any low vibration for another day. I trust that all the trauma I received in life was given by God to wake me up from this deep sleepy dream.
Many people from my childhood have taught me to remain stuck in some dramatic perpetually self-sacrificing eternally angry-victim spin cycle. They simply did not know how to trust in life because nobody taught them. This vicious trap is what I must consistently let go of to remember that I am worthy, lovable, and amazing exactly as I am. With all the pain in my past, I just signed up for a massive class in spiritual growth and radical enlightened maturity.
Whatever my past life circumstances might have been, I am always given the choice of how I wish to respond to them now. Every time I choose trust over fear, my heart opens a bit wider than before. I feel more gentleness flowing in and a heart-warming healing energy alive at the core.
This warm trusting heart is needed in my life, for the Divine Intelligent Universe is always testing my level of awareness, checking in to see how open and present I am. Am I stuck in yesterday’s drama, or fully showing up in the now? The test is always the same, how will I choose to respond, with more trust or more fear? The Universe might throw me another bag of sour lemons just to see if I know how to add some playful creative sweetness and make a big pitcher of lemonade.
“To not value the gift of a human incarnation is like trading a diamond for a head of cabbage.” -Vedic Sage
It’s good to know that the opposite of fear is not love, it is trust. Yet, by choosing a life of trust, I naturally fall in love with everything and everyone. With 100% trust, I become a love-a-holic of life and see God in all. I feel naturally excited about this precious opportunity I have to experience life, feeling completely turned on by this chance to explore my spiritual path and connection with Divinity.
By practicing 100% trust for many days in a row, this deep expansive feeling begins to naturally take over my heart. The energy can become soooo strong that every breath I take feels as though I am making love with the Divine. If this is the goal, then why would anyone not choose a life devoted to always responding with trust?
The spiritual connection I receive from the trust vibration is simply awesome. Total trust effortlessly engulfs all kinds of egoic negativity that may try to dominate any room. When any person enters the room who has 100% unshakeable trust, their vibe is so penetrating and contagious that everyone’s ego eventually falls into either embarrassment or humility.
When a group of people all simultaneously begin choosing trust over fear together, you can feel this giddy enlightening joy exponentially expanding through everyone’s lives. The group energy becomes more relaxed and at ease with their life, their future, and everything as it is.
When we become more aware of how trust is a choice, we discover our power to either expand or contract our experience of life in each moment. This power enables us to become the spiritual masters of our destiny. We no longer fear life, yet embrace it all. As we gain more trusting momentum, we can easily remain in the trust vibration in any situation and with any person.
Trust is the magical gateway to our true unlimited nature as it transcends the ego and opens the door to our most enlightened state of consciousness. In the frequency of trust, we can skyrocket our consciousness in a matter of minutes, and eventually catapult our lives into the 5th dimensional realm of the Divine! Being surrounded by trust, we instantly can see the Divine Self in all, knowing there truly is no separation.
“The Self is like the screen and the world is like the pictures on it. You can see the picture only so long as there is a screen. But when the seer himself becomes the screen, only the Self remains.” ~ Ramana Maharshi
To live a life flowing with trust, it’s essential to recognize that fear is not inherently wrong or 'bad.' It serves as a dark motivator, providing direction and depth to our experiences. However, it's crucial not to let fear dictate your decisions. Making choices based on fear tends to yield outcomes rooted in fear.
When fear is our pattern over trust, we will always feel like a failure in life. Instead of simply removing the speck of sand from our eye, we spend our time trying to change ourselves, others, and the outer world. Once we discover how to trust in the experience of trust, a bigger truth takes over our lives, and the walls of our fearful boxed-in lives slowly fall away.
Attempting to entirely eradicate or avoid fear is futile as this karma tends to resurface when pushed away. Instead of seeing fearful thoughts as adversaries, consider them as seeds to awaken your true self, your connection to your Higher Self. These fearful thoughts are like tiny grains of sand, seemingly inconsequential unless they get lodged in your mind like something small causing immense discomfort. I always find it amazing how every clam needs that speck of sand to sneak inside its tight shell to create a beautiful pearl.
Whenever we are walking the path of fear, the mind operates from the realm of ego rather than spirit. The ego perpetuates a constant dichotomy, fostering feelings of superiority or inferiority. This mode of living makes us feel controlling and judgmental, narrowing our perspective to a limiting truth. Operating from the ego often leads to perpetual dissatisfaction, always seeking the next exciting thing or indulgence as an escape.
“When there is no desire to dominate, no desire to cling, no desire to possess, the ego starts evaporating.” ~ Osho
To always choose trust over fear, we need to take a more sensitive approach to feeling ourselves, so we can see when we are in a state of trust or fear. You can check at any moment of your day what is going on in the area around your heart and chest. If it feels expansive and light you’re in a state of trust, and if it’s tight and heavy you’re holding onto fear. The general feeling you carry in your chest is your trust barometer to see what types of choices you’re making every day.
When we are living each day of our lives in fear, we tend to want to control everything and force our way through life. We tend to live in this hurry-it-up mode, rushing through each sacred experience, missing out on the small precious moments where it could have felt as if heavenly angels were present. When trust does not become a natural response to life, we become afraid to make decisions, we stop taking risks, we feel stuck in some weird emotional prison, and we become perpetually unhappy for no reason at all.
The expansive feeling in the heart can become so divinely open that every breath feels as though we are making love with the Divine. Are you ready to sign up to choose a life devoted to always responding with trust?
If you need to liberate yourself from a fearful state, you must welcome all your fears with 100% trust and remember everything is perfect exactly as it is. The Universe never makes mistakes. We simply have to accept every pile of manure as a message that we need more fertilizer.
If your life (or mind) becomes too overwhelming or challenging, simply refocus your awareness back on the biggest feeling of trust that you can remember. I invite you to invest in your trust vibe today by dwelling only on your highest most trusting feeling for 1-2 hours in a row.
I invite you to stop dwelling on what you fear today. Just for one day of your life trust whatever thoughts show up. You’ll soon see in a very short time, the spiritual light inside you starts growing stronger and pulls you back into walking your spiritual path once again.
If you enjoyed my article above and would like more support in awakening to create a life free from fear, I’m offering one-on-one coaching sessions over the phone. You can learn more about the type of work I am capable of and what transformation is possible in my sessions on this website.
I’ve also written a world-renowned Manifesting Manual which has a plethora of manifesting techniques that will allow you to discover how to tap into the sleeping manifesting inside you. Best of all, you can Download my Manifesting Manual Instantly and get started raising your Manifesting Vibration tonight!!
wow love to you all... Liberty.. in Sedona.. AZ...
Very true words. I also learned to combine Trust with Acceptance and Nonjudgement in what I call the triangle of higher consciousness.