How to Awaken Your Highest Manifesting Potential
Ignite your Life with a Personal Manifestation Session!
In every breathing moment of life, you are attracting something to you. Whether you are magnetizing what you want or what you don't want, all depends on how conscious you are in this very moment. This consciousness inside you now is ultimately determined by how relaxed you are and what you choose to fill your mind with.
Most people don't realize just how powerful they truly are. They feel their life is out of their control and they have no ability to create their dreams and desires. What’s missing is the understanding that their thoughts are creating everything in their reality.
When you open yourself up to the belief that you are a powerful manifesting being, everything changes. You begin to realize just how powerful you really are and start taking more and more responsibility for what you're thinking and feeling.
When you know you are a manifesting being, you're less likely to allow yourself to get upset about something trivial that you could just relax about. You tend to keep your mind in a state of acceptance and appreciation. There is less desire from your ego to be right about things and more of a yearning to be at peace and relaxed with what is.
Here’s a simple yet powerful question for you…
What types of thoughts does your mind typically think on a normal day of life? Are they fear-based or love-based thoughts? Over the next 24 hours, watch your mind and notice if generally, your thoughts are more anxious fear-based thoughts, or peaceful trusting life thoughts. Does your mind tend to say you’re always lacking or needing something, or do you feel content and satisfied with life as it is?
When you choose to summon those high-vibe positive thoughts that bring you into a deeper state of peace, love, trust, and a feeling of "oneness" with life around you, you'll instantly sense your consciousness expanding. The best part is that when consciousness expands, you realize what a powerful manifestor you truly are and then naturally start playing around in the world like you are one!
In the world of manifesting, your experience of this moment of your life is the most important thing you could focus your attention on. Tomorrow or yesterday is never as important as today. This very moment may not seem like much, yet it's an accumulation of the total of all the thoughts, feelings, and experiences you've had throughout your life and lifetimes.
Whether you believe the idea or reject it, you are still going to remain a super-powerful manifesting being. You are a natural Manifesting Magnet because your body and mind are naturally designed to attract, magnetize, and materialize things, people, and experiences to them. You simply cannot stop attracting your mind's desires and thoughts to you.
So whatever your heart is longing for is what the Universe "hears" as your energetic blueprint, and is speedily sending it your way. Now, if you have a plethora of negative undeserving thoughts that contradict the desires your heart yearns for, it will inhibit you from attracting the positive outcomes you're looking for.
So it all comes down to how conscious you can be of what you put into your mind. Are you allowing your mind to play in the mountain peaks or the toilet bowl? What is the most positive thought that you can think and feel in your life today?
I know personally that sometimes in life we can get caught in a rut that we don't know how to get out of. It can be very challenging to make a shift within ourselves without the outside insights of other people. This is why I’m offering my professional manifestation services to you in 2024. You can work with me as your own personal Manifesting Coach and we can create an empowering new future together!
Learn how to increase your natural Manifestation abilities in 2024!
With just one personalized Manifesting Session you can dramatically improve the way you think, feel, and perceive life. My sessions are laser-focused and very powerful. Just read some of my testimonials below if you’re curious. The insights you’ll receive can hit you in minutes, and create a deep and transformational root inside you. Together, we will awaken the manifesting power within you naturally.
"Jafree, you are the wisest, most supportive being I know and your bag of goodies is indisputable (no limit). I am thankful and feel enriched and at peace. I also measure so much of the progress that I made thanks to your help and sharp guidance. It's big! You've provided the links to Earth that I needed and you did it in your very unique and sparkling Jafree's way which I love!" ~N.K., Honolulu, Hawaii
“ With a warrior's persistence, childlike playfulness, a poet's gentle heart, and a mystic's soul, Jafree expertly penetrates into the core of your issues. He is a rare soul who carefully wields healing knowledge and psychic intuition like a sword - cutting a clear path through the veils of misunderstanding, fear and separation. He is, in fact, a Bodhisattva for the new millennium... helping others to awaken.” ~Chris Sadhuta, Hakomi Somatics Healer, Boulder, CO
What Exactly Goes On In A Manifesting Session?
Manifesting Sessions are enlightening 60-90 minute conversations that catapult you into a new experience of yourself and life. They may include a deep emotional healing release, hypnotherapy, life mastery insights, and an Akashic Record Soul Reading.
You can experience deep healing, the release of old blocks, new motivation for life, powerful spiritual insights, more confidence, and sweet inner peace within your soul. A manifesting session hones in on where you're stuck and what you want to create in the months ahead. Together we will transform whatever is stopping you so that you start to feel your life is on fire!
I've been giving personal Manifesting Sessions since 1997, and I have worked with thousands of people on just about every life topic that you can imagine. What I’ve discovered during this time is what it takes to release old blocks in the way and help you discover what a powerful manifestor you are!
After just one session I know you'll be deeply impressed by how amazing life can be! Get ready to manifest your desires easier and faster in 2024!
“Little did I know that when I had my first session with Jafree I would be propelled into an existence filled with possibility and magic. It's an amazing and wonderful world now and I'm ready to play in it!" ~ Pamela M. R. Ferndale, Michigan.
Click Here to Read More About What to Expect for your Manifesting Session!
What Are People Saying About Jafree?
"Calling Jafree for coaching was one of the smartest things I've ever done. He has inspired me so profoundly that my whole life has transformed. He showed me opportunities in my life and talents within myself that I didn't even know existed. His methods work! With Jafree, dreams become reality! I don't know where I'd be without him! If you're interested in learning how to manifest anything - be it love, money, success, or better health, Jafree is the man to talk to. Just being in his presence will increase your manifesting vibration!" ~Avalon De Witt, Ft. Collins, Colorado
“I cannot begin to tell you what you can accomplish if you have Jafree helping you get there. Let me just say “anything your heart desires”. Last October I was trying desperately to get my financial life back on track and find the answers why I kept making fortunes and losing them. The end result was debt up to my uh…..eyeballs and the income gone. With Jafree’s help, I am turning that around. In less than a year, I purchased and closed a personal property making a cool $127,000.00 profit!! I also have three more personal properties under contract to close this month! I have already earned more this year than I made in all of last year and I have 24 contracts closing within the next five weeks!! My financial life is certainly back on track and the good news is I am keeping on track. I am paying those debts down and I mean way down—not just making the required payment. It’s great! My personal life is also on track and I am free again. I laugh more often…it feels good again. I have Jafree to keep my spirit soaring, my heart is grateful for all I am and all I am enjoying. Jafree taught me to believe in myself and my ability and to stay focused on the things and the way I want my life. Jafree does this with such a gentle understanding, loving heart and delightful playfulness. Jafree’s belief that life is here for you to enjoy…. and is a great Master in teaching others how to do just that!” ~ Sunny Williams, Georgia
"After years of trying to work through the relationship issues – in just one session you guided me through how to break through these blocks that had been keeping me stuck! I was amazed at the process you took me through to allow me to let go of the past and move on. Words cannot begin to describe my appreciation for you. How do I thank someone who has transformed my life, given me my life!! Jafree has turbo-charged me through ‘stuff’ that I’ve been trying to work on for the last 12 years. I’ve made such huge changes so quickly and love every second! I’m also living every moment in total bliss! What an incredible feeling and I Love It!!! You are incredible, beautiful, and amazing Jafree and I am eternally grateful and honored to have met such a beautiful soul. From the very bottom of my heart... Thank you!!" ~ Kay Mackay in Australia (Queensland)
Sending much love to you,
Jafree Ozwald
Click Here to Read More About What You’ll Receive in my Manifesting Sessions!