"Look within. Be still. Free from fear and attachment. Know the sweet joy of living in the way." ~ Buddha
Every experience in your life has the potential to become a spiritual experience. Even the most ordinary mundane human happenings can expand into a vast, deep, and exquisite connection with Divinity. The secret, however, is learning how to get your mind to move out of the way and allow your spiritual presence to flow through.
One thing that helps me to let go and let the Divine take over, is realizing how fun it is to take my hands off the steering wheel of my life. Choosing the path of lightness, non-seriousness, and playfulness is a frequency that makes space for that higher spiritual quality to settle into my inner world. Once my demanding ego sees how much easier and sweeter life can be, it immediately surrenders to this playful connection with Divinity. The moment my serious ego can fully trust in life, it can let go I feel this more spiritual experience of life instantly.
Whatever problems I thought I had, instantly fade away each time I can see life through this non-serious lens. The very moment I decide to feel a benevolent force bigger than myself, the magic starts to manifest. Sometimes it can be scary for the ego to let go of control, yet it’s also quite addictive because it feels so liberating and healing.
"The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind." - Caroline Myss
Perhaps the craziest and most ironic aspect about stepping onto your spiritual path is this… You already are an infinite spiritual being who cannot die. You just forget this truth every day. You forget because you’re only focusing your mind on things of the world that are not infinite, unbounded, or eternal. If you thought about what is infinite and eternal you would tap into the frequency more. The more your mind dwells on what's limited and finite, the more you lose touch with that infinite quality that is your spiritual nature.
However, don’t beat yourself up for not being able to remember you’re an infinite being who will never die. The perpetual forgetting of our true infinite nature is the state of common ignorance that the majority of the world is currently in. Everyone has forgotten this truth and continues to forget they are an eternal being that lives forever…
I think the deeper issue is that it’s "normal" in Western culture to be ignorant of our spiritual nature. Everyone is seeking, yet nobody is finding, at least you don’t hear about it so often. And when you do find it, you may even feel it is blasphemy to say you are no longer separate and feel totally one with God.
If someone approaches you to ask you about your spiritual nature you may not tell them the details of your spiritual experience simply because of the questions and shocking disbelief they may throw at you. Maybe it’s not worth it to tell anyone, just to radiate your light and love is enough.
The collective consciousness is very influential, and I believe this is what causes every spiritual being to forget, again and again, even a few minutes after remembering. I believe our spiritual amnesia is not accidental, it’s an essential part of the Divine plan. We need to be asleep first, to know that we’ve been awakened. Yet, the more awareness we can bring to this spiritual amnesia, the easier it becomes to liberate ourselves from it.
Surrendering the ego to Divinity is like a cup of water being released into the ocean. Surrender means releasing the grasp of your identification with the limiting beliefs you’ve formed all around this infinite you. Completely let go of attachment to whoever and whatever you believe you are. There is nothing more frightening (and exciting) than this. Who would you be after deleting all the limiting beliefs, ideas, assumptions, and past wounds that you’ve built up around yourself?
The moment you detach from your ego, you are forced to feel the vast UNKNOWN of infinite possibilities. There’s nothing to cling to in this super expansive highly liberating space. And that’s the whole point, you are reabsorbed back into the Ocean of existence. So if your ego is resistant to merging with the spiritual Source, you will experience challenges, pain, and suffering. It resists because that would mean the death of it.
The idea of being absorbed by the infinite Ocean can make the ego go crazy, and oscillate between embracing death and rebirth all at the same time. Yet, the results of accessing this Ocean of spiritual energy inside you create a profound life change, as you stop living in fear and start trusting in Divinity.
This level of absorption into the Ocean is not just a one-time phenomenon however, you’ll need to perpetually let go of attachment to your ego all day long until it does not reattach itself. This is the foundation of every spiritual path. These self-imposed identities that make up your ego are invented so that they can be released, and having a 100% release is what creates a spiritual experience out of any ordinary human experience!
Just try it out for yourself. Take any normal experience you’re having every day such as washing dishes, cooking, cleaning, showering, pooping, etc.. and let your ego realize that it can relax because it is no longer in charge of your entire life. Allow for this loss of power and control over your life, and instead notice how every action is being done through you and you are always guided by Divinity. The more often you can let this happen, the easier your life will become. Everyone you relate with in your community will feel the liberating change of how you’ve stopped giving all of your energy to the ego.
“To cling to life is to cling to the 5 senses, to normal consciousness, and thereby shunning the superconsciousness within which the Atman is known.” ~ Patanjali Sutra
The greatest source of bliss, joy, and love is always available within you. In each new moment, you have the opportunity to drop into your heart and let your ego go! It will stop running the show when you’re comfortable ignoring it. Whatever we focus on grows, so as you retrain your brain to see the possibility that an all-intelligent unconditionally loving spiritual source is behind every experience, the divine intelligence will present itself to you more clearly and consistently.
With the frequency of 100% trust in your heart, Divinity suddenly becomes super obvious. If you have 50% trust you’ll receive a smack in the face every day to wake you up. The Divine is omnipresent and omnipotent so you won’t be able to deny it’s reality. The more often you can see how your ego has to eventually give your entire life over to Divinity, the more it melts away all these old primitive ideas of you and liberates the entangled limiting beliefs that you’ve created around yourself.
The only thing blocking you from having a spiritual experience all the time (even while you're reading this email) is your attachment to ideas which says you’re separate from Divinity. Drop the idea and you’re instantly free! Yet, the mind has a deep subconscious grip on what it believes is Reality and will do everything to not let it go. By bringing more awareness to this grip, seeing that it is clinging out of pure fear of the unknown, you can slowly step through it.
"Healing is awakening to the perfection that already is ours." ~Baird T. Spalding
The good news is that we can retrain our brains to remember these great liberating spiritual truths. This final piece for you today is a ‘Sacred Homework Assignment” that will penetrate your spiritual amnesia to the core. Just for this week, I invite you to make time to read this spiritual awakening affirmation below first thing every morning.
I Am The Source of The Divine.
Write this message on a note by your bed, or make a reminder popup on your phone. Whatever works for you, just read it the first moment you wake up. You’ll want to digest it in a super slow and deep-feeling way. Spend a few moments diving into each word, feeling into its higher energy and truth. Let yourself relax into it and let it soak into the deepest parts of you. This way you’ll be able to install it deep into the subconscious mind where it will do all the work for you.
Read it slowly as many times as you can right now until you FEEL this lightness in your body by opening yourself up to this truth. Notice what it feels like when it starts sinking into your bones, brain, and cells. Don’t try to believe it, don’t try to force yourself to believe anything. Your subconscious will digest it when you are deeply relaxed receptive and open. Just be super slow, soft, and open in your approach. Let your body relax into feel it fully. Your consciousness will guide you, showing you how to let it shine the Divine Source of awareness into your life.
Do this assignment for 21 days in a row, and your spiritual essence will surely find its way into you. As long as you practice giving up your ego’s resistance to it, and its need to be right about whatever, you’ll find the affirmation opens something profound in you. If you want every experience in life to be a spiritual experience, it’s all about surrendering to these higher spiritual Truths and seeing your daily reality from a spiritual paradigm.
Remember, the ego will probably put up a huge fight and resist any pressure you put on it to surrender. Don’t push the ego, just focus on your spiritual practice, with persistence, and patience. Eventually, the ego will discover that it’s holding on in fear. And that fear is the first necessary step to have this deeper spiritual experience of letting go into trust.
No matter how many times you succeed and fail in integrating this higher truth, remember that every experience you have in life is the right experience. Every experience is a necessary step on your soul's journey into awakening. There are no accidents or coincidences. The more we struggle in life, the greater the freedom we can feel. Every experience is completely perfect which makes your entire life perfect exactly as it is.
"Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes.” ~ Walt Whitman'
If you’d like some assistance experiencing the spiritual being inside you, I am available for online sessions. You can unlock your full spiritual potential and start manifesting the life you desire with just one of my personal Manifesting Sessions. I have over 25 years of practice working with thousands of people teaching them how to harness the power of manifestation, guiding you step by step to manifest your dreams into reality.
And it doesn’t matter whether you need to manifest more money, your soulmate, a better job, or an amazing loving relationship, together we'll cultivate the higher spiritual mindset that can easily manifest your goals with clarity and confidence. Don't wait any longer to create the life you deserve – book a session here and start manifesting your dreams into tangible results!
Sending the healing heartfelt vibes to you,
Jafree Ozwald