So my enlightening download of the day for you is this. When you look at your relationship with your phone, what are you looking for? Are you looking for information, education, entertainment, or connection? If you're looking for connection, why don't you go to the physical world around you for that? This is my hope for humanity.
This is my desire for you to find that physical intimacy in the world that is the only thing that really soothes your soul so deeply is that deep physical connection with another human being. So watch out for this information age of entertainment, education, just this constant pulling of your attention into the phone and look at what you
really want, what satisfies you. Go for that. Go for that feeling of deep satisfaction because you can and who knows how long you have left on this planet, right? go for it, free it up, right? Go for it and just let yourself be free to just like adventure and push your energy out there into the physical world.

Enlightened Download of the Day

Free yourself from your phone!!✨