Awakening The Spiritual Connection Within You ✨
The Simple Secret to Realizing that You are The Divine!
“The ego will not allow you to see the reality, because it says, ‘I am separate’. The moment the tree thinks it is separate from the Earth, it starts dying. The tree has to know that it exists only as an extension of the earth. Then it is nourished and fed by the earth. Only then is it at home.” ~ Osho
We all have a spiritual light inside us. It is on from the moment we are born, and it will remain shining throughout our lives. Whatever we want to do, or wish to manifest, this guiding divine presence will show us how to get there in the most effortlessly and enjoyable way.
This great light, however, is often clouded and colored by intense conditioning from our past, resulting in challenging thought patterns of the mind. The mind regurgitates these illusory limitations on life, projecting what it thinks is real, true, or possible. Every day the mind creates a new problem to find solutions for, as it always needs new challenges to overcome. The moment we stop paying attention to the mind and fixate on this great Light of pure awareness behind the mind, a deeper richer spiritual experience of life begins to emerge in our daily activities.
It’s quite miraculous, we can watch all of our problems disappear in the same moment that we start seeing and feeling life through this spiritual lens. Ordinary chores suddenly become interesting and enjoyable as we watch our typical inner challenges turn into opportunities for growth. All fear leaves the body when the spiritual Light of awareness is more important than the mind. We realize how everything in the Universe is perfect as it is because we can see and feel a loving powerful divine God source within us and all beings.
What’s wonderful is that nothing in our lives has to dramatically change to awaken this spiritual Light within. We don’t have to eat the perfect diet, do daily yogic exercises, or acquire some super holy mindset to realize there is an infinite source of spiritual energy within. The realization of our spiritual nature is natural and always available here now. We just tweak our perception a bit and it shines through. When we can see all day long that, “I am not my mind. I am pure awareness watching the mind” then the big shift happens.
We simply need to realize where the movie of life is coming from. Its source is the Light inside the projector at the back of the cinema hall, and not from the big wide screen. Yet, most of us are deeply entertained by the moving pictures dancing on the screen and don’t take the time to turn around (or turn within). Yet, the moment you really stop looking at the movie screen and turn 180 degrees around to view the Light radiating from the projector, you’ll liberate yourself from the movie.
Looking into the Light of awareness we discover this very common ordinary thing is radiating with eternal effervescent divine energy. The brightest most healing spiritual Light in the Universe is right here always inside you. It’s like the Sun, it never shuts off. It’s always shining through consciousness, looking through our eyes, and listening through our ears, even while we are in bed deeply asleep.
It’s not obvious in the beginning that this awareness is ‘spiritual’ as the mind has covered it up with all sorts of beliefs and desires. Yet, the very moment we stop following thoughts and return to the source of where these thoughts are coming from, we begin our spiritual journey of coming home. If you right now simply place your attention on your heart and hold it there for a few minutes, you will naturally connect with your spiritual essence. The kingdom of God is inside us and it’s much more amazing than your mind can imagine.
The moment the mind is completely silent and still, we naturally relax in our hearts and feel this deep spiritual connection. It’s amazing. It feels like the biggest relief we could ever have. The ten thousand heavy ideas our ego had about ourselves immediately fall away, as we are blinded by our own precious infinite spiritual light energy. We can become transfixed on the immensity of our greatness in a few minutes, and this is all discovered by simply losing interest in our thoughts, focusing instead on the Light of awareness, and relaxing into the space of our heart.
We will feel the deepest peace in creation when we lightly touch this infinite source. When we access our soul’s natural connection with it, everything in our life begins to open up and relax. We know that we cannot fail at anything in life when we feel connected to our Spiritual Source. It is the most amazing and natural feeling in the world.
“All the greatest treasures are hidden behind that which we wouldn't want to be with." ~Pamela Wilson
Whatever we focus on grows. When we are 100% committed to exploring the spiritual Light of awareness, it will increase in power and radiate even brighter within us. It may start as a subtle feeling of being generally happier in life, yet with hours of practice, it will morph into something much bigger and more beautiful. Within a few months of conscious inner exploratory inquiry and investigation, the Light inside you will feel more magnificent than the brightest Sun.
The awareness of our spiritual nature is always an opportunity for investigation and exploration no matter where we are or who we are with. Nobody has to know you are on a spiritual adventure while you’re at some bored meeting. The opportunity for enlightenment is always here now in this very moment. We are meant to discover a more intimate connection with the Universe.
When we take on this spiritual exploration we discover that we naturally become free from our ego’s fears, doubts, and insecurities. We become grounded in the love inside our hearts and realize that we are not powerless mortal humans, yet all-powerful divine beings. We discover the divine God Source is our deepest innermost nature, and this is all found within the exploration of our spiritual connection.
We don’t have to miss out on the experience of this amazing God Source connection because we’re in the habit of paying more attention to the thoughts in our heads instead of the Light of pure awareness. Right now, just imagine that there is a golden Light like a candle flame burning brightly inside your heart. Notice how this small light naturally radiates all around the body keeping you safe from any negativity. Nothing else is needed. You have this light within you now. Practice this simple exercise all day long and notice what happens.
If you’d like to dive deeper into the experience, allow your breath to slow down for a few minutes and you’ll notice something begin to shift. While you are focusing on the light in your heart, slow down your breathing to like 10-12 seconds for each inhale, and 10-12 seconds per exhale. You don’t have to count, just breathe very slowly and deeply. In the pause between breaths, relax and surrender deeper into the heart space. Practice this slow breathing technique for at least 3-5 minutes. Allow yourself the experience of falling eternally into the light that is at the very center of your heart.
After these 3 minutes of slow breathing are finished, return to your natural breathing and observe the eternal in and outflow of the breath. Notice how your breath is breathing you! Life is taking care of you, and you don’t have to do anything. The more you can relax in this experience, you’ll notice how you are supported by life and everything will feel more peaceful.
“Gaze at your own real nature. It is immaterial whether the eyes are open or closed. Everywhere there is only the One, so it is all the same whether you keep your eyes open or closed.” ~ Ramana Maharshi
Whenever distracting thoughts arise during this practice, you can bring your awareness back to what is aware of thought. Explore this as often as you can throughout the day and try to relax deeper into your heart space. The moment you notice the mind becoming hijacked by fearful or negative thoughts, gently direct it back to the infinite source where your thoughts are coming from. Focus on the Light from the projector instead of the movie and you will learn how to redirect and produce a spiritually empowering entertaining movie.
Keep exploring this process for as long as your ego can tolerate it. It will try to resist and make up excuses and attempt to forget about it. Just know that this is how you remain asleep at the wheel. Don’t let it. Within 5-10 minutes of meditating on the Light within you, you can discover the most natural peaceful calming feeling taking over the entire body. One shift in perception is enough to quickly change how spiritually connected we feel inside.
Every moment in life that we can remember our brilliant Light of awareness is on, is like climbing another rung on the spiritual ladder to freedom. We are less likely to allow our ego-driven minds to take us hostage. We can have compassion for ourselves and be okay that the ego is programmed to achieve things that it believes will make it fulfilled and happy. Normally, it thinks once I have what I want, then I will be free. This is just the basic nature of the ego, yet you don’t have to buy into its story. You do not have to get lost in the movie and believe the movie IS the reality.
When the Light of awareness is the main priority in life, we have more space inside ourselves to feel into ourselves and start asking deeper questions like, ‘Why am I here? What’s the most enlightened thing I can do with my time? What can I do today to help others and fulfill my mission?’ We suddenly realize that we are feeling our spiritual connection because we’ve suddenly stopped complaining and have let go of the demands of our ego so that we have time to appreciate what is.
“The singer exists only in singing. The walker exists only in walking. So is the ego; the ego exists only in clinging, in possessing things, and in dominating things. When there is no domination, no desire to dominate, no desire to cling, no desire to possess, the ego starts evaporating.” ~ Osho
If you wish to quickly catapult your spiritual exploration into your blissful nature, I’ve created a guided meditation audio experience to take you directly into the divine spiritual source within you. I call it the God Source Meditation, and this powerful experience was recorded outside an ancient meditation cave in Rishikesh India. The thick rich energy from that healing cave is embedded within the frequency of this meditation. I’ve made this experience available for you to download and listen to right now at this link.
I feel guilty because I have been using my copy of The Ribhu Gita as a cupholder.